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Michael A. Horberg, MD, MAS, FACP, FIDSA

TitleExecutive Director, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute
InstitutionKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic
DepartmentKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group
Address2101 East Jefferson Street, 3 West
Rockville MD 20858
ORCID ORCID Icon0000-0002-6971-7646 Additional info
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    Other Positions
    TitleDirector HIV/AIDS and STD, Kaiser Permanente and Care Management Institute
    InstitutionKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic
    DepartmentKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group

    TitleAssociate Medical Director of Research, Medical Education, Community Health, Medicaid, HIV & STD, Genetics, Transgender Health, Infection Prevention and Control
    InstitutionKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic
    DepartmentKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group

    TitleSenior Investigator
    InstitutionKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic
    DepartmentKaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group

    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse education and training
    University of California San FranciscoM.A.S.
    University of Chicago/Michael Reese HospitalResidencyCategorical Internal Medicine
    Boston University School of MedicineM.D.
    Boston UniversityB.A.Medical Science with Minor in History
    Collapse awards and honors
    2020Washington Business Journal Business of Pride
    2016Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group Excellence in Research Award
    2010City of Oakland, California, Mayor’s Proclamation “Michael Horberg Day”
    2001 - 2002Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Teacher of the Year

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse overview
    Michael Alan Horberg, MD, MAS, FACP, FIDSA is Associate Medical Director for Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group (MAPMG). In that role, is responsible for Research, Medical Education, Community Health, Medicaid, Genetics, HIV and STD, Transgender Health and Infection Control and Prevention. He serves as the Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI). As Executive Director of Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI), Dr. Horberg is responsible for all research activities in Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States (KPMAS). As Associate Medical Director for Medical Education, he is the Designated Institutional Official for KPMAS, with responsibility for all undergraduate and graduate medical education in KPMAS.

    Dr. Horberg serves as the medical director for KPMAS Community Health, as well is the Medicaid leader for MAPMG, including Chief Medical Officer for KPMAS in Maryland Medicaid. He leads HIV, STD, Infection Prevention, and transgender health care efforts in the KPMAS region, and HIV and STD care program-wide for Kaiser Permanente. He leads the opening of Pride Medical and KPMAS’ Gender Pathways programs and clinics within KPMAS. Dr. Horberg leads the Medical Genetics and Genomics strategy for MAPMG and is Executive Sponsor for KPMAS’ Commission on Cancer Accreditation and National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.

    Dr. Horberg serves as director of HIV/AIDS program-wide for Kaiser Permanente and as Clinical Lead for HIV/AIDS and STDs for the Care Management Institute. Under President Obama, Dr. Horberg served on the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, and co-chaired the Access to Care and Improved Outcomes Committee. Dr. Horberg is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA). He is Past-Chair of the Board of Directors of the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) of IDSA. He has served on the IDSA Quality Performance Committee, and presently co-chairs the IDSA Primary Care Guideline Committee. Dr. Horberg served as a commissioner on the State of Maryland Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission. He is past-president of the national Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.

    In his role as Executive Director of MAPRI, Dr. Horberg leads a department of both clinical and data research with over sixty team members. His HIV research interests are health service outcomes for HIV-infected patients (including HIV quality measures and care improvement, and determinants of optimized multidisciplinary care for maximized HIV outcomes), medication adherence issues in these patients, and epidemiology of the disease. Dr. Horberg serves as the MAPRI and national principal investigator for the Kaiser Permanente Research Bank (genomics initiative). Other research interests include other sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis. Dr. Horberg has published over 180 manuscripts and delivered over 100 presentations at scientific meetings; all are in peer-reviewed literature or conferences. He has chaired multiple Expert Panels on HIV-related provider performance measures (including ones sponsored by CMS, NCQA, and IDSA), and has served on NIH and CDC peer-review panels.

    A Chicagoan by birth, Dr. Horberg attended Boston University Medical School, and received his Master of Advanced Studies, from University of California San Francisco. He completed his residency in internal medicine (categorical) at University of Chicago Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. He is a resident of the District of Columbia with his husband Chip and their pet poodle Grant.

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse research activities and funding
    R24AI152598     (Caste)Jun 1, 2020 - May 31, 2025
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, The George Washington University
    The DC Cohort: A Longitudinal Population-Based Cohort Study of People Living With HIV in Washington, DC
    Role Description: The goals of this study are 1) enhance the Cohort database to incorporate new data sources to comprehensively describe and monitor HIV and co-occurring conditions; 2) expand the use of the existing DC Cohort Clinical Dashboard to monitor HIV care outcomes as well as key indicators related to ending the HIV
    Role: Co-Investigator

    5U01AI069918-S1     (Moore)May 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2021
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    CIVETS of the North American AIDS Cohorts Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD)
    Role Description: The purpose of this study is for the existing NA-ACCORD collaborators to share data collection instruments, algorithms for identifying COVID-19 disease, and analytic approaches to expedite answers to urgent questions in multiple data sources.
    Role: Co-Investigator

    5756     (Newman-Toker)May 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2020
    Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
    National Diagnostic Performance Dashboard to Measure and Track Diagnostic Error Using Big Data.
    Role Description: The goal of this study is to measure and track “missed diagnoses” of sepsis, stroke, and myocardial infarction and display information in ways that can be acted upon to reduce morbidity and mortality.
    Role: Co-Investigator

    IN-UN-236-4291     (Silverberg)Dec 15, 2017 - Mar 31, 2021
    Gilead, Inc.
    HIV Infection, Use of Tenofovir and Other Antiretrovirals, and Risk of Fatal and Non-Fatal Comorbidities: Cohort study in Kaiser Permanente
    Role Description: The purpose of the overall study is to primarily compare the incidence rate of fatal and non-fatal comorbidities in HIV patients with incidence rates among matched HIV-uninfected controls, and HIV-uninfected individuals prescribed PrEP.
    Role: Co-Investigator

    5U01AA026230     (Silverberg)Sep 15, 2017 - Aug 31, 2020
    COMpAAAS Tripartite: ART-CC, KP, and VA
    Role Description: The purpose of the overall study is to participate in a scientific collaboration across three grant partners to assemble data sets, including electronic health record data. Partners will interpret and disseminate results of the study through conference abstracts and manuscripts.
    Role: Site Principal Investigator

    5U01AA026230     (Silverberg)Sep 11, 2017 - Jul 31, 2021
    National Institute on Alcohol, Abuse and Alcoholism
    Implementing Computerized Substance Use and Depression Screening and Evidence-Based Treatments in an HIV Primary Care Population
    Role Description: The purpose of the overall study is to address the important topic of alcohol, smoking and other substance use and comorbidity screening and treatment among HIV-impacted patients. This study represents an important next step in the evolution of our top-quality HIV care in the context of an aging HIV patient population and has important implications beyond the Kaiser Permanente system.
    Role: Site Principal Investigator

    R01HL132640     (Silverberg)Dec 15, 2016 - Nov 30, 2021
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    HIV Status and Incidence and Outcomes of Heart Failure
    Role Description: The overall purpose of this study is to work with our clinical and policy leaders in HIV and CHF care to quantify the risk of congestive heart failure (CHF) among HIV-infected patients, which antiretroviral therapy medications have increased risk for CHF and which may be protective, as well as develop care patterns for CHF among our HIV-infected patients.
    Role: Co-Investigator

         (Horberg)Jan 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2022
    Kaiser Permanente Research Bank
    Kaiser Permanente Research Bank
    Role Description: In this study, KP Research Bank aims to recruit 280K members total across all KP regions to increase the overall Research Bank collection to 500K. Members will be consented to provide a biospecimen and complete a survey. This region will participate in the recruitment and other Research Bank-related efforts, including scientific, strategic and operational
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R21MH085553     (HORBERG, MICHAEL ALAN)Aug 14, 2009 - Jul 31, 2012
    Optimizing Multidisciplinary HIV Care Team for Maximal HAART Adherence
    Role: Principal Investigator

    5U01AI069918-02     (Moore)Sep 1, 2008 - Jun 30, 2021
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    North American AIDS Cohorts Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD)
    Role Description: This is the North America response to IeDEA, and for which KP Northern California and Mid-Atlantic States participates. It is a collaborative cohort compendium and analysis for purposes of achieving sufficient power to address issues that could not be adequately addressed by single cohorts.
    Role: Site Principal Investigator

         (Horberg)Jan 15, 2007 - Dec 31, 2020
    Care Management Institute
    Kaiser Permanente HIV Quality Improvement and Performance Program
    Role Description: We seek to determine quantitative measures of HIV care and outcomes in Kaiser Permanente, which has never been done on a systematic basis in a managed care organization previously. We seek to then initiate quality improvement programs where we determine there are opportunities for improvement.
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Collapse Bibliographic 
    Collapse selected publications
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Barth SK, Monroe AK, Houston P, Benator D, Horberg M, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. COVID-19 Incidence, Risk Factors, Impact, and Related Stigma Among a Cohort of Persons With HIV in Washington, DC. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 08 15; 96(5):429-438. PMID: 38985440.
    2. Lang R, Coburn SB, Gill MJ, Grossman J, Gebo KA, Horberg MA, Mayor AM, Justice AC, Bosch RJ, Silverberg MJ, Rabkin CS, Sterling TR, Thorne JE, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epi. THE ASSOCIATION OF ANEMIA WITH SURVIVAL AMONG PEOPLE WITH HIV FOLLOWING ANTIRETROVIRAL INITIATION IN THE NA-ACCORD 2007-2016. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Aug 09. PMID: 39118208.
    3. Lang R, Coburn SB, Gill MJ, Justice AC, Grossman J, Gebo KA, Horberg MA, Mayor AM, Silverberg MJ, McGinnis KA, Hogan B, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research, Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epidem. Evaluation of mean corpuscular volume among anemic people with HIV in North America following ART initiation. AIDS Res Ther. 2024 Aug 07; 21(1):52. PMID: 39113038; PMCID: PMC11304803.
    4. Byrne ME, Resnik JB, Horberg MA, Greenberg AE, Castel AD, Monroe AK. Factors Associated with Time to Initial Antiretroviral Therapy Discontinuation in the DC Cohort. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2024 Jul 23. PMID: 38959120.
    5. Horberg MA, Simons S, Greenlee RT. Recognizing 30 Years of Accomplishments and Envisioning an Innovative Future - The 2024 Annual Conference of the Health Care Systems Research Network. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2024; 11(2):112-117. PMID: 39044855; PMCID: PMC11262841.
    6. Lam JO, Hou CE, Alexeeff S, Levine T, Sarovar V, Lea AN, Metz VE, Horberg MA, Satre DD, Silverberg MJ. Clinically recognized sleep disorders in people living with HIV. HIV Med. 2024 Jun 18. PMID: 38890008.
    7. Barth S, Kulie P, Monroe A, Horberg M, Castel A, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Prevalence and risk factors for post-COVID conditions of COVID-19 among persons with HIV in Washington, DC. AIDS Care. 2024 Jun 11; 1-11. PMID: 38861652.
    8. Mian MN, Sarovar V, Levine T, Lea A, Leibowitz A, Luu M, Flamm J, Hare CB, Horberg M, Young-Wolff KC, Phillips KT, Silverberg MJ, Satre DD. Substance use and mental health factors associated with self-reported higher risk cannabis use among people with HIV screened in primary care. Res Sq. 2024 May 29. PMID: 38853848; PMCID: PMC11160885.
    9. Hassoon A, Ng C, Lehmann H, Rupani H, Peterson S, Horberg MA, Liberman AL, Sharp AL, Johansen MC, McDonald K, Austin JM, Newman-Toker DE. Computable phenotype for diagnostic error: developing the data schema for application of symptom-disease pair analysis of diagnostic error (SPADE). Diagnosis (Berl). 2024 Aug 01; 11(3):295-302. PMID: 38696319.
    10. Haw NJL, Lesko CR, Ng DK, Lam J, Lang R, Kitahata MM, Crane H, Eron J, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Karris M, Loutfy M, Mcginnis KA, Moore RD, Althoff K, Agwu A, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Incidence of non-AIDS defining comorbidities among young adults with perinatally-acquired HIV in North America, 2000-2019. AIDS. 2024 Mar 19. PMID: 38507583.
    11. Lam JO, Leyden WA, Alexeeff S, Lea AN, Hechter RC, Hu H, Marcus JL, Pitts L, Yuan Q, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Changes in Body Mass Index Over Time in People With and Without HIV Infection. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Feb; 11(2):ofad611. PMID: 38323078; PMCID: PMC10846771.
    12. Byrne M, Monroe AK, Doshi RK, Horberg MA, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. A Latent Class Analysis of Substance Use and Longitudinal HIV RNA Patterns Among PWH in DC Cohort. AIDS Behav. 2024 Feb 06. PMID: 38319460.
    13. O'Connor LF, Byrne M, Baskaran A, Andersen EW, Horberg MA, Benator DA, Lucar J, Denyer RV, Lee R, Castel AD, Monroe AK, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Characterizing Indicators of Engagement in HIV-Associated Healthcare and Clinical Outcomes among People with HIV and Mpox in Washington, DC: A Nested Case-Control Study of the DC Cohort. Pathogens. 2024 Jan 27; 13(2). PMID: 38392854; PMCID: PMC10892472.
    14. Silverberg MJ, Levine TM, Lea AN, Williams AE, Alexeeff SE, Bryant K, Cavassini M, Flamm JA, Hare CB, Ingle SM, Justice AC, Lam JO, Sterling SA, Horberg MA, Satre DD. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Control in People With and Without Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Jan 16. PMID: 38227614.
    15. Althoff KN, Stewart C, Humes E, Gerace L, Boyd C, Gebo K, Justice AC, Hyle EP, Coburn SB, Lang R, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Lima VD, Gill MJ, Karris M, Rebeiro PF, Thorne J, Rich AJ, Crane H, Kitahata M, Rubtsova A, Wong C, Leng S, Marconi VC, D'Souza G, Kim HN, Napravnik S, McGinnis K, Kirk GD, Sterling TR, Moore RD, Kasaie P. The forecasted prevalence of comorbidities and multimorbidity in people with HIV in the United States through the year 2030: A modeling study. PLoS Med. 2024 Jan; 21(1):e1004325. PMID: 38215160; PMCID: PMC10833859.
    16. Stewart B, Byrne M, Levy M, Horberg MA, Monroe AK, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. The Association of Mental Health and Substance Use With Retention in HIV Care Among Black Women in Washington, District of Columbia. Womens Health Issues. 2024 Jan 05. PMID: 38184379.
    17. Hechter RC, Zhou H, Leyden WA, Yuan Q, Pak KJ, Lam JO, Alexeeff S, Lea A, Hu H, Marcus JL, Rivera AS, Adams AL, Horberg MA, Towner WJ, Lo JC, Silverberg MJ. Fracture Risk and Association With TDF Use Among People With HIV in Large Integrated Health Systems. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 12 01; 94(4):341-348. PMID: 37884055.
    18. Silverberg MJ, Pimentel N, Leyden WA, Leong TK, Reynolds K, Ambrosy AP, Towner WJ, Hechter RC, Horberg M, Vupputuri S, Harrison TN, Lea AN, Sung SH, Go AS, Neugebauer R. Initial antiretroviral therapy regimen and risk of heart failure. AIDS. 2023 Nov 14. PMID: 37967231.
    19. Jonas MC, Egan K, Sheu YS, McCarthy RJ, Horberg MA. Pride Medical at Capitol Hill: A New Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning plus (LGBTQ+) Patient Care Option at Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Oct 24; 11(21). PMID: 37957960; PMCID: PMC10647306.
    20. Barth SK, Saulters KJ, Balba GP, Monroe AK, Horberg MA, Kumar PN, Greenberg AE, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Mixed Methods Analysis of Telehealth Experience, Satisfaction, and Quality of Care During the COVID Pandemic Among Persons with HIV in Washington, DC. AIDS Behav. 2023 Oct 24. PMID: 37872460.
    21. Davy-Mendez T, Napravnik S, Hogan BC, Eron JJ, Gebo KA, Althoff KN, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Rebeiro PF, Karris MY, Klein MB, Kitahata MM, Crane HM, Nijhawan A, McGinnis KA, Thorne JE, Lima VD, Bosch RJ, Colasanti JA, Rabkin CS, Lang R, Berry SA. Hospital Readmissions among Persons with HIV in the United States and Canada, 2005-2018: A Collaboration of Cohort Studies. J Infect Dis. 2023 Sep 12. PMID: 37697938.
    22. Mallipeddi VP, Levy M, Byrne M, Monroe A, Happ LP, Moeng LR, Castel AD, Horberg M, Wilcox R. Evaluation of New Hypertension Guidelines on the Prevalence and Control of Hypertension in a Clinical HIV Cohort: A Community-Based Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023 Sep 07. PMID: 37526367.
    23. Kim J, Newcomb CW, Carbonari DM, Torgersen J, Althoff KN, Kitahata MM, Klein MB, Moore RD, Reddy KR, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Cachay ER, Lim JK, Gill MJ, Chew K, Sterling TR, Hull M, Seaberg EC, Kirk GD, Coburn SB, Lang R, McGinnis KA, Gebo KA, Napravnik S, Kim HN, Lo Re V, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of IeDEA. Hepatitis B care cascade among people with HIV/HBV coinfection in the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design, 2012-2016. PLoS One. 2023; 18(9):e0290889. PMID: 37656704; PMCID: PMC10473492.
    24. Horberg MA, Simons S. Leveraging the Strength of Collaboration in Rapidly Changing Times: The 29th Annual Conference of the Health Care Systems Research Network. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2023; 10(3):142-145. PMID: 37483557; PMCID: PMC10358975.
    25. Zalla LC, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Adimora AA, Vines AI, Althoff KN, Marconi VC, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Rebeiro PF, Lang R, Kasaie P, Moore RD, Edwards JK. Evaluating Clinic-Based Interventions to Reduce Racial Differences in Mortality among People with HIV in the United States. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 12. PMID: 37437108.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    26. Ter-Minassian M, Basra SS, Watson ES, Derus AJ, Horberg MA. Validation of US CDC National Death Index mortality data, focusing on differences in race and ethnicity. BMJ Health Care Inform. 2023 Jul; 30(1). PMID: 37429673; PMCID: PMC10335466.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    27. Castel AD, Barth S, Wilbourn BC, Horberg M, Monroe AK, Greenberg AE, DC Cohort Executive Committee, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Trends in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Uptake among Persons Living with HIV in Washington, DC. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 Jun 26. PMID: 37368934.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    28. Burrell TD, Sheu YS, Kim S, Mohadikar K, Ortiz N, Jonas C, Horberg MA. COVID-19 and Adolescent Outpatient Mental Health Service Utilization. Acad Pediatr. 2023 Jun 09. PMID: 37302698; PMCID: PMC10250250.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    29. Monroe AK, Kulie PE, Byrne ME, Wilbourn BC, Barth SK, Resnik JB, Huebner DM, Horberg MA, Castel AD, Greenberg AE, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic from a cross-sectional Survey of people living with HIV in Washington, DC. AIDS Res Ther. 2023 05 09; 20(1):27. PMID: 37161481; PMCID: PMC10169119.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    30. Burrell TD, Kim S, Mohadikar K, Jonas C, Ortiz N, Horberg MA. Family Structure and Adolescent Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Adolesc Health. 2023 Apr 07. PMID: 37032208; PMCID: PMC10081921.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    31. Jetsupphasuk M, Hudgens MG, Lu H, Cole SR, Edwards JK, Adimora AA, Althoff KN, Silverberg MJ, Rebeiro PF, Lima VD, Marconi VC, Sterling TR, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Moore RD, Lang R, Gebo K, Rabkin C, Eron JJ. Optimizing Treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus to Improve Clinical Outcomes Using Precision Medicine. Am J Epidemiol. 2023 Mar 15. PMID: 36922393.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    32. Lea AN, Leyden WA, Sofrygin O, Marafino BJ, Skarbinski J, Napravnik S, Agil D, Augenbraun M, Benning L, Horberg MA, Jefferson C, Marconi VC, Park LS, Gordon KS, Bastarache L, Gangireddy S, Althoff KN, Coburn SB, Gebo KA, Lang R, Williams C, Silverberg MJ. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Status, Tenofovir Exposure, and the Risk of Poor Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) Outcomes: Real-World Analysis From 6 United States Cohorts Before Vaccine Rollout. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Mar 02. PMID: 36861341.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    33. Muiru AN, Madden E, Scherzer R, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Klein MB, Mayor AM, John Gill M, Napravnik S, Crane HM, Marconi VC, Koethe JR, Abraham AG, Althoff KN, Lucas GM, Moore RD, Shlipak MG, Estrella MM. Effect of Adopting the New Race-Free 2021 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Creatinine Equation on Racial Differences in Kidney Disease Progression Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: An Observational Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 02 08; 76(3):461-468. PMID: 36069064.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    34. Jaurretche M, Byrne M, Happ LP, Levy M, Horberg M, Greenberg A, Castel AD, Monroe AK, DC Cohort Executive Committee. HIV Care Continuum Outcomes among recently diagnosed people with HIV (PWH) in Washington, DC. Epidemiol Infect. 2023 Jan 30; 1-19. PMID: 36715051.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    35. Zalla LC, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Adimora AA, Vines AI, Althoff KN, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Marconi VC, Coburn SB, Lang R, Williams EC, Gill MJ, Gebo KA, Klein M, Sterling TR, Rebeiro PF, Mayor AM, Moore RD, Edwards JK. Association of Race and Ethnicity With Initial Prescription of Antiretroviral Therapy Among People With HIV in the US. JAMA. 2023 01 03; 329(1):52-62. PMID: 36594946; PMCID: PMC9856806.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    36. Miller MJ, Eberhart LG, Jefferson CR, Horberg MA. Beyond Antiretroviral Treatment: Patterns and Factors Associated with Composite Medication Adherence Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients with HIV with Multiple Chronic Conditions. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Dec 26. PMID: 36728856.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    37. Coburn SB, Lang R, Zhang J, Palella FJ, Horberg MA, Castillo-Mancilla J, Gebo K, Galaviz KI, Gill MJ, Silverberg MJ, Hulgan T, Elion RA, Justice AC, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA. Statins Utilization in Adults With HIV: The Treatment Gap and Predictors of Statin Initiation. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 12 15; 91(5):469-478. PMID: 36053091; PMCID: PMC9649872.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    38. Jefferson C, Watson E, Certa JM, Gordon KS, Park LS, D'Souza G, Benning L, Abraham AG, Agil D, Napravnik S, Silverberg MJ, Leyden WA, Skarbinski J, Williams C, Althoff KN, Horberg MA, NA-ACCORD Corona-Infectious-Virus Epidemiology Team (CIVET). Differences in COVID-19 testing and adverse outcomes by race, ethnicity, sex, and health system setting in a large diverse US cohort. PLoS One. 2022; 17(11):e0276742. PMID: 36417366; PMCID: PMC9683575.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    39. Lang R, Gill MJ, Coburn SB, Grossman J, Gebo KA, Horberg MA, Mayor AM, Silverberg MJ, Willig AL, Justice AC, Klein MB, Bosch RJ, Rabkin CS, Hogan B, Thorne JE, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research, Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epidem. The changing prevalence of anemia and risk factors in people with HIV in North America who have initiated ART, 2007-2017. AIDS. 2023 02 01; 37(2):287-298. PMID: 36541641; PMCID: PMC9782731.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    40. Lang R, Hogan B, Zhu J, McArthur K, Lee J, Zandi P, Nestadt P, Silverberg MJ, Parcesepe AM, Cook JA, Gill MJ, Grelotti D, Closson K, Lima VD, Goulet J, Horberg MA, Gebo KA, Camoens RM, Rebeiro PF, Nijhawan AE, McGinnis K, Eron J, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epi. The prevalence of mental health disorders in people with HIV and the effects on the HIV care continuum. AIDS. 2023 02 01; 37(2):259-269. PMID: 36541638; PMCID: PMC9782734.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    41. Horberg MA, Watson E, Bhatia M, Jefferson C, Certa JM, Kim S, Fathi L, Althoff KN, Williams C, Moore R. Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 with clinical condition definitions and comparison in a matched cohort. Nat Commun. 2022 10 12; 13(1):5822. PMID: 36224218; PMCID: PMC9556630.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    42. Lang R, Humes E, Coburn SB, Horberg MA, Fathi LF, Watson E, Jefferson CR, Park LS, Gordon KS, Akg?n KM, Justice AC, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Browne LE, Agil DM, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Leyden WA, Stewart C, Hogan BC, Gebo KA, Marconi VC, Williams CF, Althoff KN, Corona-Infectious-Virus Epidemiology Team (CIVETs) of the NA-ACORD of IeDEA. Analysis of Severe Illness After Postvaccination COVID-19 Breakthrough Among Adults With and Without HIV in the US. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 10 03; 5(10):e2236397. PMID: 36227594; PMCID: PMC9561947.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    43. Coleman KJ, Wellman R, Fitzpatrick SL, Conroy MB, Hlavin C, Lewis KH, Coley RY, McTigue KM, Tobin JN, McBride CL, Desai JR, Clark JM, Toh S, Sturtevant JL, Horgan CE, Duke MC, Williams N, Anau J, Horberg MA, Michalsky MP, Cook AJ, Arterburn DE, Apovian CM, PCORnet Bariatric Study Collaborative. Comparative Safety and Effectiveness of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy for Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes Across Race and Ethnicity in the PCORnet Bariatric Study Cohort. JAMA Surg. 2022 10 01; 157(10):897-906. PMID: 36044239; PMCID: PMC9434478.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    44. Lam JO, Leyden WA, Leong TK, Horberg MA, Reynolds K, Ambrosy AP, Avula HR, Hechter RC, Towner WJ, Vupputuri S, Go AS, Silverberg MJ. Variation in Heart Failure Risk by HIV Severity and Sex in People With HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 10 01; 91(2):175-181. PMID: 36094484; PMCID: PMC9471068.
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    45. Lang R, Humes E, Hogan B, Lee J, D'Agostino R, Massaro J, Kim A, Meigs JB, Borowsky L, He W, Lyass A, Cheng D, Kim HN, Klein MB, Cachay ER, Bosch RJ, Gill MJ, Silverberg MJ, Thorne JE, McGinnis K, Horberg MA, Sterling TR, Triant VA, Althoff KN. Evaluating the Cardiovascular Risk in an Aging Population of People With HIV: The Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 10 04; 11(19):e026473. PMID: 36129038; PMCID: PMC9673707.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    46. Akselrod H, Byrne M, Lundberg J, Czeresnia JM, Lucar J, Secco A, Levy M, Monroe A, Castel A, Horberg M, Doshi R, Rivasplata H, Squires L, Parenti D, Benator D, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Improvements in Virologic Control Among PWH Over Time: Narrowing the Gap Between Those With and Without STIs. AIDS Behav. 2023 Feb; 27(2):673-677. PMID: 35984609.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    47. Li J, Humes E, Lee JS, Althoff KN, Colasanti JA, Bosch RJ, Horberg M, Rebeiro PF, Silverberg MJ, Nijhawan AE, Parcesepe A, Gill J, Shah S, Crane H, Moore R, Lang R, Thorne J, Sterling T, Hanna DB, Buchacz K, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of the International Epidemiologic D. Toward Ending the HIV Epidemic: Temporal Trends and Disparities in Early ART Initiation and Early Viral Suppression Among People Newly Entering HIV Care in the United States, 2012-2018. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 Aug; 9(8):ofac336. PMID: 35937648; PMCID: PMC9348610.
    48. Lesko CR, Edwards JK, Hanna DB, Mayor AM, Silverberg MJ, Horberg M, Rebeiro PF, Moore RD, Rich AJ, McGinnis KA, Buchacz K, Crane HM, Rabkin CS, Althoff KN, Poteat TC. Longitudinal HIV care outcomes by gender identity in the United States. AIDS. 2022 11 01; 36(13):1841-1849. PMID: 35876653; PMCID: PMC9529804.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    49. Coburn SB, Humes E, Lang R, Stewart C, Hogan BC, Gebo KA, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Browne LE, Park LS, Justice AC, Gordon KS, Horberg MA, Certa JM, Watson E, Jefferson CR, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Leyden WA, Williams CF, Althoff KN, Corona-Infectious-Virus Epidemiology Team (CIVETs) of the NA-ACCORD of IeDEA. Analysis of Postvaccination Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections Among Adults With HIV in the United States. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 06 01; 5(6):e2215934. PMID: 35671054; PMCID: PMC9175076.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    50. Mefford MT, Silverberg MJ, Leong TK, Hechter RC, Towner WJ, Go AS, Horberg M, Hu H, Harrison TN, Sung SH, Reynolds K. Multimorbidity Burden and Incident Heart Failure Among People With and Without HIV: The HIV-HEART Study. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2022 Jun; 6(3):218-227. PMID: 35539894; PMCID: PMC9079699.
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    51. Lapham GT, Matson TE, Carrell DS, Bobb JF, Luce C, Oliver MM, Ghitza UE, Hsu C, Browne KC, Binswanger IA, Campbell CI, Saxon AJ, Vandrey R, Schauer GL, Pacula RL, Horberg MA, Bailey SR, McClure EA, Bradley KA. Comparison of Medical Cannabis Use Reported on a Confidential Survey vs Documented in the Electronic Health Record Among Primary Care Patients. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 05 02; 5(5):e2211677. PMID: 35604691; PMCID: PMC9127557.
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    52. Kim HN, Nance RM, Lo Re V, Silverberg MJ, Franco R, Sterling TR, Cachay ER, Horberg MA, Althoff KN, Justice AC, Moore RD, Klein M, Crane HM, Delaney JA, Kitahata MM. Development and Validation of a Model for Prediction of End-Stage Liver Disease in People With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 04 01; 89(4):396-404. PMID: 35202048; PMCID: PMC8887786.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    53. Byrne M, Akselrod H, Monroe AK, Horberg M, Lucar J, Castel AD, Denyer R, Doshi R, Secco A, Squires L, Schroeter S, Benator D. Identifying Geographic Areas of Washington, DC, With Increased Potential for Sexual HIV Transmission Among People With HIV With STIs and Concurrent Elevated HIV RNA: Data From the DC Cohort. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 May; 9(5):ofac139. PMID: 35450084; PMCID: PMC9017371.
    54. Castilho JL, Bian A, Jenkins CA, Shepherd BE, Sigel K, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Coburn SB, Wiley D, Achenbach CJ, Marconi VC, Bosch RJ, Horberg MA, Rabkin CS, Napravnik S, Novak RM, Mathews WC, Thorne JE, Sun J, Althoff KN, Moore RD, Sterling TR, Sudenga SL, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epi. CD4/CD8 Ratio and Cancer Risk among Adults with HIV. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022 Mar 16. PMID: 35292820.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    55. Lee JS, Humes E, Hogan BC, Justice AC, Klein M, Gebo K, John Gill M, Silverberg MJ, Rebeiro P, Horberg M, Karris M, Rabkin C, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Observed CD4 counts at entry into HIV care and at antiretroviral therapy prescription by age in the USA, 2004-18: a cohort study. Lancet HIV. 2022 03; 9 Suppl 1:S2. PMID: 35304844.
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    56. Lu H, Cole SR, Westreich D, Hudgens MG, Adimora AA, Althoff KN, Silverberg MJ, Buchacz K, Li J, Edwards JK, Rebeiro PF, Lima VD, Marconi VC, Sterling TR, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Eron JJ, Moore RD. Corrigendum to: Clinical Effectiveness of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor-Based Antiretroviral Regimens Among Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Collaboration of Cohort Studies in the United States and Canada. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 01; 74(4):755. PMID: 35099554; PMCID: PMC8886892.
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    57. Lam JO, Lee C, Gilsanz P, Hou CE, Leyden WA, Satre DD, Flamm JA, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Comparison of dementia incidence and prevalence between individuals with and without HIV infection in primary care from 2000 to 2016. AIDS. 2022 Mar 01; 36(3):437-445. PMID: 34816805.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    58. Althoff KN, Stewart CN, Humes E, Zhang J, Gerace L, Boyd CM, Wong C, Justice AC, Gebo KA, Thorne JE, Rubtsova AA, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Leng SX, Rebeiro PF, Moore RD, Buchacz K, Kasaie P. The shifting age distribution of people with HIV using antiretroviral therapy in the United States. AIDS. 2022 Mar 01; 36(3):459-471. PMID: 34750289; PMCID: PMC8795488.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    59. Finch TJ, Crowell A, Bhatia M, Martinez J, Caines K, Teng F, Watson E, Horberg M. Continuously updated forecasting of SARS-CoV-2 in a regional health system. Am J Manag Care. 2022 03; 28(3):124-130. PMID: 35404548.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    60. Park LS, McGinnis KA, Gordon KS, Justice AC, Leyden W, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Jefferson C, Horberg M, Certa J, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Westreich D, Bastarache L, Gangireddy S, Benning L, D'Souza G, Williams C, Althoff KN. SARS-CoV-2 testing and positivity among persons with and without HIV in 6 United States cohorts. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Feb 21. PMID: 35195574.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    61. Lu H, Cole SR, Westreich D, Hudgens MG, Adimora AA, Althoff KN, Silverberg MJ, Buchacz K, Li J, Edwards JK, Rebeiro PF, Lima VD, Marconi VC, Sterling TR, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Eron JJ, Moore RD, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research, Design of the International Epidemiologic Data. Virologic outcomes among adults with HIV using integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2022 Feb 01; 36(2):277-286. PMID: 34934020.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    62. Koh MJ, Merrill MH, Koh MJ, Stuver R, Alonso CD, Foss FM, Mayor AM, Gill J, Epeldegui M, Cachay E, Thorne JE, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Atlhoff KN, Nijhawan AE, McGinnis KA, Lee JS, Rabkin CS, Napravnik S, Li J, Castilho JL, Shen C, Jain S. Comparative Outcomes for Mature T and NK/T-cell Lymphomas in People with and without HIV and to AIDS-Defining Lymphomas. Blood Adv. 2022 Jan 13. PMID: 35026839.
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    63. Bailey LC, Bryan M, Maltenfort M, Block JP, Teneralli R, Lunsford D, Boone-Heinonen J, Eneli I, Horgan CE, Lin PD, Reynolds JS, Solomonides AE, Janicke D, Sturtevant JL, Toh S, Taveras E, Appelhans BM, Arterburn D, Daley MF, Dempsey A, Dugas LR, Finkelstein J, Fitzpatrick SL, Goodman A, Gurka MJ, Heerman WJ, Horberg M, Hossain MJ, Hsia DS, Isasi CR, Kharbanda EO, Messito MJ, Murphy K, O'Bryan K, Peay HL, Prochaska MT, Puro J, Rayas M, Rosenman MB, Taylor B, VanWormer JJ, Willis Z, Yeramaneni S, Forrest CB, PCORnet Antibiotics and Childhood Growth Study Group. Antibiotics prior to age 2 years have limited association with preschool growth trajectory. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022 Jan 08. PMID: 34999718.
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    64. Coelho LE, Jenkins CA, Shepherd BE, Pape JW, Mejia Cordero F, Padgett D, Crabtree Ramirez B, Grinsztejn B, Althoff KN, Koethe JR, Marconi VC, Tien PC, Willig AL, Moore RD, Castilho JL, Colasanti J, Crane HM, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Mayor A, Silverberg MJ, McGowan C, Rebeiro PF. Weight gain post-ART in HIV+ Latinos/as differs in the USA, Haiti, and Latin America. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2022 Apr; 8. PMID: 35528706; PMCID: PMC9070999.
      Citations: 2     
    65. Edwards JK, Cole SR, Breger TL, Filiatreau LM, Zalla L, Mulholland GE, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Gill MJ, Rebeiro PF, Thorne JE, Kasaie P, Marconi VC, Sterling TR, Althoff KN, Moore RD, Eron JJ. Mortality for adults entering HIV care under universal early treatment compared to the general US population. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Jan 04. PMID: 34983066.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    66. Qian Y, Moore RD, Coburn SB, Davy-Mendez T, Akgün KM, McGinnis KA, Silverberg MJ, Colasanti JA, Cachay ER, Horberg MA, Rabkin CS, Jacobson JM, Gill MJ, Mayor AM, Kirk GD, Gebo KA, Nijhawan AE, Althoff KN. Association of the VACS Index With Hospitalization Among People With HIV in the NA-ACCORD. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Jan 01; 89(1):9-18. PMID: 34878432; PMCID: PMC8665227.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    67. Finch A, Jonas MC, Rubenstein K, Watson E, Basra S, Martinez J, Horberg M. Life Expectancy Trends Among Integrated Health Care System Enrollees, 2014-2017. Perm J. 2021 Dec 14; 25. PMID: 35348069; PMCID: PMC8784056.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    68. Go AS, Reynolds K, Avula HR, Towner WJ, Hechter RC, Horberg MA, Vupputuri S, Leong TK, Leyden WA, Harrison TN, Lee KK, Sung SH, Silverberg MJ. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Variation in Heart Failure Risk by Age, Sex, and Ethnicity: The HIV HEART Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Dec 11. PMID: 34916054.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    69. Thompson MA, Horberg MA, Agwu AL, Colasanti JA, Jain MK, Short WR, Singh T, Aberg JA. Erratum to: Primary Care Guidance for Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: 2020 Update by the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Dec 08. PMID: 34878522.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    
    70. Coburn SB, Humes E, Lang R, Stewart C, Hogan BC, Gebo KA, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Browne LE, Park LS, Justice AC, Gordon K, Horberg MA, Certa JM, Watson E, Jefferson CR, Silverberg M, Skarbinski J, Leyden WA, Williams CF, Althoff KN, Corona-Infectious-Virus Epidemiology Team (CIVETs) of the NA-ACCORD of IeDEA. COVID-19 infections post-vaccination by HIV status in the United States. medRxiv. 2021 Dec 05. PMID: 34909791; PMCID: PMC8669858.
      Citations: 1     
    71. Avula HR, Ambrosy AP, Silverberg MJ, Reynolds K, Towner WJ, Hechter RC, Horberg M, Vupputuri S, Leong TK, Leyden WA, Harrison TN, Lee KK, Sung SH, Go AS. Human immunodeficiency virus infection and risks of morbidity and death in adults with incident heart failure. Eur Heart J Open. 2021 Nov; 1(3):oeab040. PMID: 35919879; PMCID: PMC9242035.
    72. Young J, Lo Re V, Kim HN, Sterling TR, Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Mayor AM, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Klein MB, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA. Do contemporary antiretrovirals increase the risk of end-stage liver disease? Signals from patients starting therapy in the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2022 02; 31(2):214-224. PMID: 34729853.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    73. Horberg M, Eberhart L, Bhatia M, Jonas C, Cherico-Hsii S, Tamrat Y, Bhandari B, Kadlecik P, Gahunia MK. Patient demographics and the utilization of a novel three anatomic site testing panel including rectal self-collection as compared to usual care testing. Sex Transm Dis. 2021 Nov 22. PMID: 34813580.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    74. Jonas MC, Rubenstein K, Watson E, Basra S, Horberg M. A Comprehensive Coordinator Supported Hepatitis C Virus Testing and Linkage to Treatment Program at Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States. Viruses. 2021 10 23; 13(11). PMID: 34834947; PMCID: PMC8619706.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    75. Kasaie P, Stewart C, Humes E, Gerace L, Zhang J, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Rebeiro PF, Hyle EP, Lima VD, Wong C, Gill MJ, Gebo K, Moore R, Kitahata MM, Althoff KN. Projecting the age-distribution of men who have sex with men receiving HIV treatment in the United States. Ann Epidemiol. 2022 Jan; 65:46-55. PMID: 34627998.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    76. McGinnis KA, Justice AC, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Althoff KN, Karris M, Lima VD, Crane HM, Horberg MA, Klein MB, Gange SJ, Gebo K, Mayor A, Tate JP, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA, Veterans Aging Cohort Study. Discrimination And Calibration Of The Vacs Index 2.0 For Predicting Mortality Among People With Hiv In North America. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 05. PMID: 34609485.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    77. Davy-Mendez T, Napravnik S, Eron JJ, Cole SR, van Duin D, Wohl DA, Hogan BC, Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Mathews WC, Klein MB, Colasanti JA, Sterling TR, Mayor AM, Rebeiro PF, Buchacz K, Li J, Nanditha NGA, Thorne JE, Nijhawan A, Berry SA, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epi. Current and Past Immunodeficiency Are Associated With Higher Hospitalization Rates Among Persons on Virologically Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy for up to 11 Years. J Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16; 224(4):657-666. PMID: 34398239; PMCID: PMC8366443.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    78. Finch A, Crowell A, Chang YC, Parameshwarappa P, Martinez J, Horberg M. A comparison of attentional neural network architectures for modeling with electronic medical records. JAMIA Open. 2021 Jul; 4(3):ooab064. PMID: 34396057; PMCID: PMC8358476.
    79. Monroe AK, Levy ME, Greenberg AE, Keruly JC, Moore RD, Horberg MA, Kulie P, Mohanraj BS, Kumar PN, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee . Integrase Inhibitor Prescribing Disparities in the DC and Johns Hopkins HIV Cohorts. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Aug; 8(8):ofab338. PMID: 34631925; PMCID: PMC8496514.
      Citations: 2     
    80. Edwards JK, Cole SR, Breger TL, Rudolph JE, Filiatreau LM, Buchacz K, Humes E, Rebeiro PF, D'Souza G, Gill MJ, Silverberg MJ, Mathews WC, Horberg MA, Thorne J, Hall HI, Justice A, Marconi VC, Lima VD, Bosch RJ, Sterling TR, Althoff KN, Moore RD, Saag M, Eron JJ. Mortality Among Persons Entering HIV Care Compared With the General U.S. Population : An Observational Study. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Jul 06. PMID: 34224262.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    81. Davy-Mendez T, Napravnik S, Eron JJ, Cole SR, Van Duin D, Wohl DA, Gebo KA, Moore RD, Althoff KN, Poteat T, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Nanditha NGA, Thorne JE, Berry SA, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA. Racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in hospitalizations among persons with HIV in the United States and Canada, 2005-2015. AIDS. 2021 07 01; 35(8):1229-1239. PMID: 33710020; PMCID: PMC8172437.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    82. Gold R, Bunce A, Davis JV, Nelson JC, Cowburn S, Oakley J, Carney S, Horberg MA, Dearing JW, Melgar G, Bulkley JE, Seabrook J, Cloutier H. "I didn't know you could do that": A Pilot Assessment of EHR Optimization Training. ACI open. 2021; 5(1):e27-e35. PMID: 34938954; PMCID: PMC8691746.
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    83. Davy-Mendez T, Napravnik S, Hogan BC, Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Moore RD, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Gill MJ, Crane HM, Marconi VC, Bosch RJ, Colasanti JA, Sterling TR, Mathews WC, Mayor AM, Nanditha NGA, Buchacz K, Li J, Rebeiro PF, Thorne JE, Nijhawan A, van Duin D, Wohl DA, Eron JJ, Berry SA, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of IeDEA . Hospitalization Rates and Causes Among Persons With HIV in the United States and Canada, 2005-2015. J Infect Dis. 2021 Jun 15; 223(12):2113-2123. PMID: 33084891; PMCID: PMC8205637.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    84. Silverberg MJ, Leyden W, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Qin L, Lin H, Justice AC, Hessol NA, Achenbach CJ, D'Souza G, Engels EA, Althoff KN, Mayor AM, Sterling TR, Kitahata MM, Bosch RJ, Saag MS, Rabkin CS, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Grover S, Mathews WC, Li J, Crane HM, Gange SJ, Lau B, Moore RD, Dubrow R, Neugebauer RS. Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation and Risk of Cancer Among Persons Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 06 01; 72(11):1900-1909. PMID: 32785640; PMCID: PMC8315132.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    85. Nadison M, Flamm LJ, Roberts A, Staton T, Wiener L, Locke J, Bullock E, Loftus B, Carpenter C, Sadler M, Horberg MA. Kaiser Permanente's Good Health & Great Hair Program: Partnering With Barbershops and Beauty Salons to Advance Health Equity in West Baltimore, Maryland. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2021 May 13. PMID: 34016902.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    86. Simon GE, Bindman AB, Dreyer NA, Platt R, Watanabe JH, Horberg M, Hernandez A, Califf RM. When Can We Trust Real-World Data To Evaluate New Medical Treatments? Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021 May 01. PMID: 33932030.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    87. Coburn SB, Shiels MS, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Brown TT, Visvanathan K, Connor AE, Napravnik S, Marcus JL, Moore RD, Mathews WC, Mayor AM, Sterling TR, Li J, Rabkin CS, D'Souza G, Lau B, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of the International Epi. Secular Trends in Breast Cancer Risk Among Women With HIV Initiating ART in North America. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 05 01; 87(1):663-670. PMID: 33492023; PMCID: PMC8026587.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    88. Horberg MA, Nassery N, Rubenstein KB, Certa JM, Shamim EA, Rothman R, Wang Z, Hassoon A, Townsend JL, Galiatsatos P, Pitts SI, Newman-Toker DE. Rate of sepsis hospitalizations after misdiagnosis in adult emergency department patients: a look-forward analysis with administrative claims data using Symptom-Disease Pair Analysis of Diagnostic Error (SPADE) methodology in an integrated health system. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Apr 26. PMID: 33894108.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    89. Simon GE, Platt R, Watanabe JH, Bindman AB, John London A, Horberg M, Hernandez A, Califf RM. When Can We Rely on Real-World Evidence to Evaluate New Medical Treatments? Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Apr 25. PMID: 33895994; PMCID: PMC8251042.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    90. Watanabe JH, Simon GE, Horberg M, Platt R, Hernandez A, Califf RM. When Are Treatment Blinding and Treatment Standardization Necessary in Real-World Clinical Trials? Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Apr 08. PMID: 33829639.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    91. Franklin JM, Platt R, Dreyer NA, London AJ, Simon GE, Watanabe JH, Horberg M, Hernandez A, Califf RM. When Can Nonrandomized Studies Support Valid Inference Regarding Effectiveness or Safety of New Medical Treatments? Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Apr 07. PMID: 33826756.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    92. Kim HN, Newcomb CW, Carbonari DM, Roy JA, Torgersen J, Althoff KN, Kitahata MM, Reddy KR, Lim JK, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Cachay ER, Kirk GD, Sun J, Hull M, Gill MJ, Sterling TR, Kostman JR, Peters MG, Moore RD, Klein MB, Lo Re V, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research, Design of IeDEA. Risk of HCC With Hepatitis B Viremia Among HIV/HBV-Coinfected Persons in North America. Hepatology. 2021 Mar 29. PMID: 33780007.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    93. Finch A, Crowell A, Bhatia M, Parameshwarappa P, Chang YC, Martinez J, Horberg M. Exploiting hierarchy in medical concept embedding. JAMIA Open. 2021 Jan; 4(1):ooab022. PMID: 33748691; PMCID: PMC7962787.
      Citations: 2     
    94. Nassery N, Horberg MA, Rubenstein KB, Certa JM, Watson E, Somasundaram B, Shamim E, Townsend JL, Galiatsatos P, Pitts SI, Hassoon A, Newman-Toker DE. Antecedent treat-and-release diagnoses prior to sepsis hospitalization among adult emergency department patients: a look-back analysis employing insurance claims data using Symptom-Disease Pair Analysis of Diagnostic Error (SPADE) methodology. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Feb 25. PMID: 33650389.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    95. Doshi RK, Byrne M, Levy M, Varga L, Kuo I, Horberg MA, Castel AD, Monroe AK, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Association of Substance Use Disorders with Engagement in Care and Mortality among a Clinical Cohort of People with HIV in Washington, DC. AIDS Behav. 2021 Jul; 25(7):2289-2300. PMID: 33521909; PMCID: PMC8169595.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    96. Sun J, Althoff KN, Jing Y, Horberg MA, Buchacz K, Gill MJ, Justice AC, Rabkin CS, Goedert JJ, Sigel K, Cachay E, Park L, Lim JK, Kim HN, Lo Re V, Moore R, Sterling T, Peters MG, Achenbach CJ, Silverberg M, Thorne JE, Mayor AM, Crane HM, Kitahata MM, Klein M, Kirk GD, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of IeDEA. Trends in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence and Risk Among Persons With HIV in the US and Canada, 1996-2015. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 02 01; 4(2):e2037512. PMID: 33595662; PMCID: PMC7890526.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    97. Spence AB, Levy ME, Monroe A, Castel A, Timpone J, Horberg M, Adams-Campbell L, Kumar P. Cancer Incidence and Cancer Screening Practices Among a Cohort of Persons Receiving HIV Care in Washington, DC. J Community Health. 2021 02; 46(1):75-85. PMID: 32424501; PMCID: PMC8370184.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    98. Miller MJ, Watson ES, Horberg MA, Bhatia M, Tripuraneni BR, McCarthy RJ. Patient experience after modifying visit delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Manag Care. 2021 02 01; 27(2):e54-e63. PMID: 33577162.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    99. Satre DD, Levine-Hall T, Sterling SA, Young-Wolff KC, Lam JO, Alexeeff S, Hojilla JC, Williams A, Justice AC, Sterne J, Cavassini M, Bryant KJ, Williams EC, Horberg MA, Volberding P, Weisner C, Silverberg MJ. The relationship of smoking and unhealthy alcohol use to the HIV care continuum among people with HIV in an integrated health care system. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 02 01; 219:108481. PMID: 33429295; PMCID: PMC7869693.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    100. Rahman VJ, Horberg MA, Hu H, Vupputuri S. Implementation of a Plant-Based, Nutrition Program in a Large Integrated Health Care System: Results of a Pilot Program. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211053198. PMID: 34686077; PMCID: PMC8543561.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    101. Lee JS, Humes EA, Hogan BC, Buchacz K, Eron JJ, Gill MJ, Sterling TR, Rebeiro PF, Lima VD, Mayor A, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Moore RD, Althoff KN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). CD4 count at entry into HIV care and at antiretroviral therapy prescription in the US, 2005-2018. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 31. PMID: 33383586.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    102. Davy-Mendez T, Napravnik S, Eron JJ, Cole SR, van Duin D, Wohl DA, Hogan BC, Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Mathews WC, Klein MB, Colasanti JA, Sterling TR, Mayor AM, Rebeiro PF, Buchacz K, Li J, Nanditha NGA, Thorne JE, Nijhawan A, Berry SA, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA. Current and Past Immunodeficiency are Associated with Higher Hospitalization Rates among Persons on Virologically Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy for up to Eleven Years. J Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 26. PMID: 33367842.
    103. George JM, Kuriakose SS, Monroe A, Hou Q, Byrne M, Pau AK, Masur H, Hadigan C, Castel AD, Horberg MA, District of Columbia (D.C.) Cohort Executive Committee. Utilization of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Observational Data from the District of Columbia Cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 12 17; 71(10):e604-e613. PMID: 32179901; PMCID: PMC7744993.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    104. Satre DD, Parthasarathy S, Silverberg MJ, Horberg M, Young-Wolff KC, Williams EC, Volberding P, Campbell CI. Health care utilization and HIV clinical outcomes among newly enrolled patients following Affordable Care Act implementation in a California integrated health system: a longitudinal study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020 Nov 11; 20(1):1030. PMID: 33176760; PMCID: PMC7656679.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    105. Silverberg MJ, Levine-Hall T, Hood N, Anderson AN, Alexeeff SE, Lam JO, Slome SB, Flamm JA, Hare CB, Ross T, Justice AC, Sterne JAC, Williams AE, Bryant KJ, Weisner CM, Horberg MA, Sterling SA, Satre DD. Health System-Based Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and Treatment Comparing Demographically Matched Participants With and Without HIV. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2020 12; 44(12):2545-2554. PMID: 33067802; PMCID: PMC7725961.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    106. Thompson MA, Horberg MA, Agwu AL, Colasanti JA, Jain MK, Short WR, Singh T, Aberg JA. Primary Care Guidance for Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: 2020 Update by the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 06. PMID: 33225349.
      Citations: 48     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    107. Horberg MA, Certa JM, Rubenstein KB, Hurley LB, Satre DD, Kadlecik PM, Silverberg MJ. Beyond the HIV Care Continuum and Viral Suppression: Broadening the Scope of Quality Metrics for Total HIV Patient Care. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2020 11; 34(11):461-469. PMID: 33147087; PMCID: PMC7698986.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    108. Monroe AK, Happ LP, Rayeed N, Ma Y, Jaurretche MJ, Terzian AS, Trac K, Horberg MA, Greenberg AE, Castel AD. Clinic-Level Factors Associated With Time to Antiretroviral Initiation and Viral Suppression in a Large, Urban Cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 10 23; 71(7):e151-e158. PMID: 31701144; PMCID: PMC7583410.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    109. Isaac AL, Swartz TD, Miller ML, Short DJ, Wilson EA, Chaffo JL, Watson ES, Hu H, Petersen BJ, Bloom JD, Neff NJ, Linders DR, Salgado SJ, Locke JL, Horberg MA. Lower resource utilization for patients with healed diabetic foot ulcers during participation in a prevention program with foot temperature monitoring. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 10; 8(1). PMID: 33055233; PMCID: PMC7559055.
      Citations: 4     Translation:Humans
    110. Rebeiro PF, Jenkins CA, Bian A, Lake JE, Bourgi K, Moore RD, Horberg MA, Matthews WC, Silverberg MJ, Thorne J, Mayor AM, Lima VD, Palella FJ, Saag MS, Althoff KN, Gill MJ, Wong C, Klein MB, Crane HM, Marconi VC, Shepherd BE, Sterling TR, Koethe JR. Risk of Incident Diabetes Mellitus, Weight Gain, and their Relationships with Integrase Inhibitor-based Initial Antiretroviral Therapy Among Persons with HIV in the US and Canada. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 16. PMID: 32936919.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    111. Happ LP, Monroe AK, Young HA, Ma Y, Greenberg AE, Horberg MA, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Individual-Level and Clinic-Level Factors Associated With Achieving Glycemic Control in a Large Cohort of People With HIV in Care-Washington, DC. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 09 01; 85(1):113-122. PMID: 32541383; PMCID: PMC8011340.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    112. Young DR, Sidell MA, Fitzpatrick S, Koebnick C, Nau CL, Oshiro C, Horberg M. Characteristics of adults with overweight and obesity who have not attempted weight loss in the prior 12 months. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Sep - Oct; 14(5):449-455. PMID: 32847735.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    113. Wallace DE, Horberg MA, Benator DA, Greenberg AE, Castel AD, Monroe AK, Happ LP, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Diabetes mellitus control in a large cohort of people with HIV in care-Washington, D.C. AIDS Care. 2020 Aug 18; 1-11. PMID: 32811173; PMCID: PMC8091517.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    114. Lu H, Cole SR, Westreich D, Hudgens MG, Adimora AA, Althoff KN, Silverberg MJ, Buchacz K, Li J, Edwards JK, Rebeiro PF, Lima VD, Marconi VC, Sterling TR, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Eron JJ, Moore RD, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of the International Epidemiologic D. Clinical effectiveness of integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based antiretroviral regimens among adults with human immunodeficiency virus: a collaboration of cohort studies in the United States and Canada. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 11. PMID: 32780095.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    115. Lam JO, Levine-Hall T, Hood N, Alexeeff SE, Horberg MA, Young-Wolff KC, Sterling SA, Williams A, Weisner C, Satre DD, Silverberg MJ. Smoking and cessation treatment among persons with and without HIV in a U.S. integrated health system. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 08 01; 213:108128. PMID: 32603975; PMCID: PMC7392076.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    116. Marcus JL, Leyden WA, Alexeeff SE, Anderson AN, Hechter RC, Hu H, Lam JO, Towner WJ, Yuan Q, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Comparison of Overall and Comorbidity-Free Life Expectancy Between Insured Adults With and Without HIV Infection, 2000-2016. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 06 01; 3(6):e207954. PMID: 32539152; PMCID: PMC7296391.
      Citations: 120     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    117. Satre DD, Sarovar V, Leyden W, Hare CB, Catz SL, Bryant KJ, Williams EC, Hojilla JC, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Changes in Days of Unhealthy Alcohol Use and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence, HIV RNA Levels, and Condomless Sex: A Secondary Analysis of Clinical Trial Data. AIDS Behav. 2020 Jun; 24(6):1784-1792. PMID: 31773444; PMCID: PMC7406176.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    118. Levy ME, Monroe AK, Horberg MA, Benator DA, Castel AD, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Is low-level viraemia associated with serum lipid profiles among HIV controllers? HIV Med. 2020 08; 21(7):e14-e16. PMID: 32311819; PMCID: PMC7354203.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    119. Opoku J, Doshi RK, Castel AD, Sorensen I, Horberg M, Allston A, Kharfen M, Greenberg AE. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Persons Living With HIV by Enrollment Status in Washington, DC: Evaluation of a Large Longitudinal HIV Cohort Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2020 04 15; 6(2):e16061. PMID: 32293567; PMCID: PMC7191350.
      Citations: 5     Translation:Humans
    120. Bourgi K, Jenkins CA, Rebeiro PF, Palella F, Moore RD, Altoff KN, Gill J, Rabkin CS, Gange SJ, Horberg MA, Margolick J, Li J, Wong C, Willig A, Lima VD, Crane H, Thorne J, Silverberg M, Kirk G, Mathews WC, Sterling TR, Lake J, Koethe JR, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Weight gain among treatment-naïve persons with HIV starting integrase inhibitors compared to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or protease inhibitors in a large observational cohort in the United States and Canada. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020 04; 23(4):e25484. PMID: 32294337; PMCID: PMC7159248.
      Citations: 61     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    121. Poteat T, Hanna DB, Rebeiro PF, Klein M, Silverberg MJ, Eron JJ, Horberg MA, Kitahata MM, Mathews WC, Mattocks K, Mayor A, Rich AJ, Reisner S, Thorne J, Moore RD, Jing Y, Althoff KN. Characterizing the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Care Continuum Among Transgender Women and Cisgender Women and Men in Clinical Care: A Retrospective Time-series Analysis. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 03 03; 70(6):1131-1138. PMID: 31573601; PMCID: PMC7319059.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    122. Hernández-Ramírez RU, Qin L, Lin H, Leyden W, Neugebauer RS, Althoff KN, Hessol NA, Achenbach CJ, Brooks JT, Gill MJ, Grover S, Horberg MA, Li J, Mathews WC, Mayor AM, Patel P, Rabkin CS, Rachlis A, Justice AC, Moore RD, Engels EA, Silverberg MJ, Dubrow R, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of the International Epidemiologic D. Association of Immunosuppression and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Viremia With Anal Cancer Risk in Persons Living With HIV in the United States and Canada. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 03 03; 70(6):1176-1185. PMID: 31044245; PMCID: PMC7319056.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    123. Fitzpatrick SL, Rosales AG, Brown SD, Arterburn DE, Daley MF, Horberg M, Koebnick C, Oshiro C, Young DR. Behavioural and psychosocial factors associated with 5-year weight trajectories within the PORTAL Overweight/Obesity Cohort. Obes Sci Pract. 2020 Jun; 6(3):272-281. PMID: 32523716; PMCID: PMC7278910.
      Citations: 1     
    124. Rodriguez-Watson C, Rubenstein KB, Jonas MC, Sun Y, Horberg M, Loftus B. Hepatitis C Care Pathway Associated With Increased Screening, Confirmation, and Diagnosis Communication to Patients. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 03; 19(3):607-609.e2. PMID: 31927112.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    125. Secco AA, Akselrod H, Czeresnia J, Levy M, Byrne M, Monroe A, Lucar J, Horberg M, Castel AD, Doshi R, Rivasplata H, Squires L, Parenti D, Benator D, DC Cohort Executive Committee. Sexually transmitted infections in persons living with HIV infection and estimated HIV transmission risk: trends over time from the DC Cohort. Sex Transm Infect. 2020 03; 96(2):89-95. PMID: 31907326; PMCID: PMC7031010.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    126. Althoff KN, Chandran A, Zhang J, Arevalo WM, Gange SJ, Sterling TR, Gill MJ, Justice AC, Palella FJ, Rebeiro PF, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Thorne JE, Rabkin CS, Mathews WC, Klein MB, Humes E, Lee J, Hogg R, Moore RD, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA. Life-Expectancy Disparities Among Adults With HIV in the United States and Canada: The Impact of a Reduction in Drug- and Alcohol-Related Deaths Using the Lives Saved Simulation Model. Am J Epidemiol. 2019 12 31; 188(12):2097-2109. PMID: 31602475; PMCID: PMC7036649.
      Citations: 19     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    127. Gold R, Bunce A, Cowburn S, Davis JV, Nelson JC, Nelson CA, Hicks E, Cohen DJ, Horberg MA, Melgar G, Dearing JW, Seabrook J, Mossman N, Bulkley J. Does increased implementation support improve community clinics' guideline-concordant care? Results of a mixed methods, pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial. Implement Sci. 2019 12 05; 14(1):100. PMID: 31805968; PMCID: PMC6894475.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    128. Levy ME, Monroe AK, Horberg MA, Benator DA, Molock S, Doshi RK, Powers Happ L, Castel AD. Pharmacologic Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders and Time With Unsuppressed HIV Viral Load in a Clinical HIV Cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 11 01; 82(3):329-341. PMID: 31356466; PMCID: PMC6791752.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    129. Saxon DR, Iwamoto SJ, Mettenbrink CJ, McCormick E, Arterburn D, Daley MF, Oshiro CE, Koebnick C, Horberg M, Young DR, Bessesen DH. Antiobesity Medication Use in 2.2 Million Adults Across Eight Large Health Care Organizations: 2009-2015. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 12; 27(12):1975-1981. PMID: 31603630; PMCID: PMC6868321.
      Citations: 28     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    130. Zhu Y, Sidell MA, Arterburn D, Daley MF, Desai J, Fitzpatrick SL, Horberg MA, Koebnick C, McCormick E, Oshiro C, Young DR, Ferrara A. Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes by BMI: Patient Outcomes Research To Advance Learning (PORTAL) Multisite Cohort of Adults in the U.S. Diabetes Care. 2019 12; 42(12):2211-2219. PMID: 31537541; PMCID: PMC6868463.
      Citations: 63     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    131. Lo Re V, Newcomb CW, Carbonari DM, Roy JA, Althoff KN, Kitahata MM, Reddy KR, Lim JK, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Cachay ER, Kirk GD, Hull M, Gill J, Sterling TR, Kostman JR, Peters MG, Moore RD, Klein MB, Kim HN, North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design of IeDEA. Determinants of Liver Complications Among HIV/Hepatitis B Virus-Coinfected Patients. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 09 01; 82(1):71-80. PMID: 31107304; PMCID: PMC6692181.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    132. Satre DD, Anderson AN, Leibowitz AS, Levine-Hall T, Slome S, Flamm J, Hare CB, McNeely J, Weisner CM, Horberg MA, Volberding P, Silverberg MJ. Implementing electronic substance use disorder and depression and anxiety screening and behavioral interventions in primary care clinics serving people with HIV: Protocol for the Promoting Access to Care Engagement (PACE) trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2019 09; 84:105833. PMID: 31446142; PMCID: PMC6760257.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic HealthCTClinical Trials
    133. Lewis KH, Fischer H, Ard J, Bessesen D, Daley M, Desai J, Fitzpatrick S, Horberg M, Koebnick C, Oshiro C, Young DR, Arterburn DE. Response to "Knowledge Gaps in Long-Term Phentermine Use". Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 08; 27(8):1220. PMID: 31264802.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    134. Satre DD, Leibowitz AS, Leyden W, Catz SL, Hare CB, Jang H, Lam JO, Bryant KJ, Weisner CM, Sterling SA, Horberg M, Volberding P, Silverberg MJ. Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Alcohol Use among Primary Care Patients with HIV: the Health and Motivation Randomized Clinical Trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2019 10; 34(10):2054-2061. PMID: 31187344; PMCID: PMC6816606.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    135. Vupputuri S, Rubenstein KB, Derus AJ, Loftus BC, Horberg MA. Factors contributing to racial disparities in influenza vaccinations. PLoS One. 2019; 14(4):e0213972. PMID: 30943242.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    136. Lewis KH, Fischer H, Ard J, Barton L, Bessesen DH, Daley MF, Desai J, Fitzpatrick SL, Horberg M, Koebnick C, Oshiro C, Yamamoto A, Young DR, Arterburn DE. Safety and Effectiveness of Longer-Term Phentermine Use: Clinical Outcomes from an Electronic Health Record Cohort. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Apr; 27(4):591-602. PMID: 30900410.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    137. Hechter RC, Horberg MA, Weisner C, Campbell CI, Contreras R, Chen LH, Yarborough BJH, Lapham GT, Haller IV, Ahmedani BK, Binswanger IA, Kline-Simon AH, Satre DD. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures of alcohol and drug treatment initiation and engagement among people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and patients without an HIV diagnosis. Subst Abus. 2019 Mar 25; 1-9. PMID: 30908174.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    138. Althoff KN, Wong C, Hogan B, Desir F, You B, Humes E, Zhang J, Jing Y, Modur S, Lee JS, Freeman A, Kitahata M, Van Rompaey S, Mathews WC, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Mayor AM, Salters K, Moore RD, Gange SJ. Mind the gap: observation windows to define periods of event ascertainment as a quality control method for longitudinal electronic health record data. Ann Epidemiol. 2019 Mar 04. PMID: 31005552.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    139. Hernández-Ramírez RU, Qin L, Lin H, Leyden W, Neugebauer RS, Althoff KN, Achenbach CJ, Hessol NA, D'Souza G, Gebo KA, Gill MJ, Grover S, Horberg MA, Li J, Mathews WC, Mayor AM, Park LS, Rabkin CS, Salters K, Justice AC, Moore RD, Engels EA, Silverberg MJ, Dubrow R. Association of immunosuppression and HIV viraemia with non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk overall and by subtype in people living with HIV in Canada and the USA: a multicentre cohort study. Lancet HIV. 2019 Apr; 6(4):e240-e249. PMID: 30826282.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    140. Desir FA, Lesko CR, Moore RD, Horberg MA, Wong C, Crane HM, Silverberg M, Thorne JE, Rachlis B, Rabkin C, Mayor AM, Mathews WC, Althoff KN. One Size Fits (n)One: The Influence of Sex, Age, and Sexual Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Acquisition Risk on Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the HIV Care Continuum in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Feb 15; 68(5):795-802. PMID: 30169624.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    141. Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Moore RD, Boyd CM, Justice AC, Wong C, Lucas GM, Klein MB, Kitahata MM, Crane H, Silverberg MJ, Gill MJ, Mathews WC, Dubrow R, Horberg MA, Rabkin CS, Klein DB, Lo Re V, Sterling TR, Desir FA, Lichtenstein K, Willig J, Rachlis AR, Kirk GD, Anastos K, Palella FJ, Thorne JE, Eron J, Jacobson LP, Napravnik S, Achenbach C, Mayor AM, Patel P, Buchacz K, Jing Y, Gange SJ. Contributions of traditional and HIV-related risk factors on non-AIDS-defining cancer, myocardial infarction, and end-stage liver and renal diseases in adults with HIV in the USA and Canada: a collaboration of cohort studies. Lancet HIV. 2019 Feb; 6(2):e93-e104. PMID: 30683625.
      Citations: 54     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    142. Grover S, Desir F, Jing Y, Bhatia RK, Trifiletti DM, Swisher-McClure S, Kobie J, Moore RD, Rabkin CS, Silverberg MJ, Salters K, Mathews WC, Gill MJ, Thorne JE, Castilho J, Kitahata MM, Justice A, Horberg MA, Achenbach CJ, Mayor AM, Althoff KN. Reduced Cancer Survival Among Adults With HIV and AIDS-Defining Illnesses Despite No Difference in Cancer Stage at Diagnosis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Dec 01; 79(4):421-429. PMID: 30211722.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    143. Bradley H, Althoff KN, Buchacz K, Brooks JT, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Kitahata MM, Marconi V, Mayer KH, Mayor A, Moore R, Mugavero M, Napravnik S, Paz-Bailey G, Prejean J, Rebeiro PF, Rentsch CT, Shouse RL, Silverberg MJ, Sullivan PS, Thorne JE, Yehia B, Rosenberg ES. Viral suppression among persons in HIV care in the United States during 2009-2013: sampling bias in Medical Monitoring Project surveillance estimates. Ann Epidemiol. 2019 Mar; 31:3-7. PMID: 30529086.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    144. Horberg MA, Blank JG, Rubenstein KB, Certa JM, Hurley LB, Kadlecik PM, Klein DB, Silverberg MJ. Impact of Alternative Encounter Types on HIV Viral Suppression Rates in an Integrated Health System. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2018 Nov; 32(11):425-431. PMID: 30398954.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    145. Horberg MA, Oakes AH, Hurley LB, Towner WJ, Chao CR, Silverberg MJ, Chantra JQ, Ellis CG, Quesenberry CP. Association of raltegravir use with long-term health outcomes in HIV-infected patients: an observational post-licensure safety study in a large integrated healthcare system. HIV Clin Trials. 2018 10; 19(5):177-187. PMID: 30370835.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    146. Eby JC, Lane MA, Horberg M, Gentry CN, Coffin SE, Ray AJ, Sheridan KR, Bratzler DW, Wheeler D, Sarumi M, Barlam TF, Kim T, Rodriguez A, Nahass RG. How Do You Measure Up: Quality Measurement for Improving Patient Care and Establishing the Value of Infectious Diseases Specialists. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Sep 25. PMID: 30256911.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    147. Tartof SY, Hsu JW, Wei R, Rubenstein KB, Hu H, Arduino JM, Horberg M, Derose SF, Qian L, Rodriguez CV. Kidney Function Decline in Patients with CKD and Untreated Hepatitis C Infection. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Oct 08; 13(10):1471-1478. PMID: 30242027.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    148. Marcus JL, Hurley LB, Prasad A, Zaroff J, Klein DB, Horberg MA, Go AS, DeLorenze GN, Quesenberry CP, Sidney S, Lo JC, Silverberg MJ. Recurrence after hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected individuals. HIV Med. 2019 Jan; 20(1):19-26. PMID: 30178911.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    149. Yanik EL, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Qin L, Lin H, Leyden W, Neugebauer RS, Horberg MA, Moore RD, Mathews WC, Justice AC, Hessol NA, Mayor AM, Gill MJ, Brooks JT, Sun J, Althoff KN, Engels EA, Silverberg MJ, Dubrow R. Brief Report: Cutaneous Melanoma Risk Among People With HIV in the United States and Canada. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Aug 15; 78(5):499-504. PMID: 29771785.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    150. Yarborough BJH, Chi FW, Green CA, Hinman A, Mertens J, Beck A, Horberg M, Weisner C, Campbell CI. Patient and System Characteristics Associated with Performance on the HEDIS Measures of Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Initiation and Engagement. J Addict Med. 2018 Jul/Aug; 12(4):278-286. PMID: 29557802.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    151. Ter-Minassian M, Lanzkron S, Derus A, Brown E, Horberg MA. Quality Metrics and Health Care Utilization for Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. J Natl Med Assoc. 2019 Feb; 111(1):54-61. PMID: 30129484.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    152. Jonas MC, Loftus B, Horberg MA. The Road to Hepatitis C Virus Cure: Practical Considerations from a Health System's Perspective. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2018 06; 32(2):481-493. PMID: 29778267.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    153. Rodriguez CV, Rubenstein KB, Linas B, Hu H, Horberg M. Increasing hepatitis C screening in a large integrated health system: science and policy in concert. Am J Manag Care. 2018 May 01; 24(5):e134-e140. PMID: 29851444.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    154. Elion RA, Althoff KN, Zhang J, Moore RD, Gange SJ, Kitahata MM, Crane HM, Drozd DR, Stein JH, Klein MB, Eron JJ, Silverberg MJ, Mathews WC, Justice AC, Sterling TR, Rabkin CS, Mayor AM, Klein DB, Horberg MA, Bosch RJ, Eyawo O, Palella FJ. Recent Abacavir Use Increases Risk of Type 1 and Type 2 Myocardial Infarctions Among Adults With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 05 01; 78(1):62-72. PMID: 29419568.
      Citations: 24     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    155. Wong C, Gange SJ, Moore RD, Justice AC, Buchacz K, Abraham AG, Rebeiro PF, Koethe JR, Martin JN, Horberg MA, Boyd CM, Kitahata MM, Crane HM, Gebo KA, Gill MJ, Silverberg MJ, Palella FJ, Patel P, Samji H, Thorne J, Rabkin CS, Mayor A, Althoff KN. Multimorbidity Among Persons Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Apr 03; 66(8):1230-1238. PMID: 29149237.
      Citations: 68     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    156. Silverberg MJ, Leyden WA, Leibowitz A, Hare CB, Jang HJ, Sterling S, Catz SL, Parthasarathy S, Horberg MA, Satre DD. Factors associated with hazardous alcohol use and motivation to reduce drinking among HIV primary care patients: Baseline findings from the Health & Motivation study. Addict Behav. 2018 Sep; 84:110-117. PMID: 29660593.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    157. Altekruse SF, Shiels MS, Modur SP, Land SR, Crothers KA, Kitahata MM, Thorne JE, Mathews WC, Fernández-Santos DM, Mayor AM, Gill JM, Horberg MA, Brooks JT, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ, Althoff KN, Engels EA. Cancer burden attributable to cigarette smoking among HIV-infected people in North America. AIDS. 2018 02 20; 32(4):513-521. PMID: 29239891.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    158. Young DR, Fischer H, Arterburn D, Bessesen D, Cromwell L, Daley MF, Desai J, Ferrara A, Fitzpatrick SL, Horberg MA, Koebnick C, Nau CL, Oshiro C, Waitzfelder B, Yamamoto A. Associations of overweight/obesity and socioeconomic status with hypertension prevalence across racial and ethnic groups. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2018 Mar; 20(3):532-540. PMID: 29432662.
      Citations: 12     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    159. Gonsalves GS, Paltiel AD, Cleary PD, Gill MJ, Kitahata MM, Rebeiro PF, Silverberg MJ, Horberg M, Abraham AG, Althoff KN, Moore R, Bosch RJ, Tang T, Hall HI, Kaplan EH. A Flow-Based Model of the HIV Care Continuum in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 08 15; 75(5):548-553. PMID: 28471841.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    160. Dubrow R, Qin L, Lin H, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Neugebauer RS, Leyden W, Althoff KN, Achenbach CJ, Hessol NA, Modur SP, D'Souza G, Bosch RJ, Grover S, Horberg MA, Kitahata MM, Mayor AM, Novak RM, Rabkin CS, Sterling TR, Goedert JJ, Justice AC, Engels EA, Moore RD, Silverberg MJ. Association of CD4+ T-cell Count, HIV-1 RNA Viral Load, and Antiretroviral Therapy With Kaposi Sarcoma Risk Among HIV-infected Persons in the United States and Canada. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 08 01; 75(4):382-390. PMID: 28394855.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    161. Muzaale AD, Althoff KN, Sperati CJ, Abraham AG, Kucirka LM, Massie AB, Kitahata MM, Horberg MA, Justice AC, Fischer MJ, Silverberg MJ, Butt AA, Boswell SL, Rachlis AR, Mayor AM, Gill MJ, Eron JJ, Napravnik S, Drozd DR, Martin JN, Bosch RJ, Durand CM, Locke JE, Moore RD, Lucas GM, Segev DL. Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease in HIV-Positive Potential Live Kidney Donors. Am J Transplant. 2017 Jul; 17(7):1823-1832. PMID: 28497525.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    162. Kanwal F, Bacon BR, Beste LA, Brill JV, Gifford AL, Gordon SC, Horberg MA, Manthey JG, Reau N, Rustgi VK, Younossi ZM. Hepatitis C Virus Infection Care Pathway-A Report From the American Gastroenterological Association Institute HCV Care Pathway Work Group. Gastroenterology. 2017 05; 152(6):1588-1598. PMID: 28442121.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    163. Chen R, Scherzer R, Hsue PY, Jotwani V, Estrella MM, Horberg MA, Grunfeld C, Shlipak MG. Association of Tenofovir Use With Risk of Incident Heart Failure in HIV-Infected Patients. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Apr 24; 6(4). PMID: 28438737.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    164. Marcus JL, Leyden WA, Chao CR, Horberg MA, Klein DB, Quesenberry CP, Towner WJ, Silverberg MJ. Immunodeficiency, AIDS-related pneumonia, and risk of lung cancer among HIV-infected individuals. AIDS. 2017 04 24; 31(7):989-993. PMID: 28252529.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    165. Nichols GA, Horberg M, Koebnick C, Young DR, Waitzfelder B, Sherwood NE, Daley MF, Ferrara A. Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among 1.3 Million Adults With Overweight or Obesity, but Not Diabetes, in 10 Geographically Diverse Regions of the United States, 2012-2013. Prev Chronic Dis. 2017 03 09; 14:E22. PMID: 28278130.
      Citations: 12     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    166. Rebeiro PF, Abraham AG, Horberg MA, Althoff KN, Yehia BR, Buchacz K, Lau BM, Sterling TR, Gange SJ. Sex, Race, and HIV Risk Disparities in Discontinuity of HIV Care After Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in the United States and Canada. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017 Mar; 31(3):129-144. PMID: 28282246.
      Citations: 33     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    167. Wong C, Gange SJ, Buchacz K, Moore RD, Justice AC, Horberg MA, Gill MJ, Koethe JR, Rebeiro PF, Silverberg MJ, Palella FJ, Patel P, Kitahata MM, Crane HM, Abraham AG, Samji H, Napravnik S, Ahmed T, Thorne JE, Bosch RJ, Mayor AM, Althoff KN. First Occurrence of Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Hypertension Among North American HIV-Infected Adults, 2000-2013. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 02 15; 64(4):459-467. PMID: 28172581.
      Citations: 30     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    168. Koebnick C, Fischer H, Daley MF, Ferrara A, Horberg MA, Waitzfelder B, Young DR, Gould MK. Interacting effects of obesity, race, ethnicity and sex on the incidence and control of adult-onset asthma. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2016; 12:50. PMID: 27777591.
      Citations: 7     
    169. Koethe JR, Jenkins CA, Lau B, Shepherd BE, Wester W, Rebeiro PF, Silverberg MJ, Thorne JE, Gill J, Mayor AM, Willig A, Bosch R, Horberg MA, Justice AC, Sterling TR, Moore RD. Higher Time-Updated Body Mass Index: Association With Improved CD4+ Cell Recovery on HIV Treatment. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 10 01; 73(2):197-204. PMID: 27116044.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    170. Marcus JL, Baxter R, Leyden WA, Muthulingam D, Yee A, Horberg MA, Klein DB, Towner WJ, Chao CR, Quesenberry CP, Silverberg MJ. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Among HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Adults in a Large Integrated Healthcare System. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2016 10; 30(10):463-470. PMID: 27749111.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    171. Marcus JL, Chao CR, Leyden WA, Xu L, Quesenberry CP, Klein DB, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Narrowing the Gap in Life Expectancy Between HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Individuals With Access to Care. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 09 01; 73(1):39-46. PMID: 27028501.
      Citations: 177     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    172. Young DR, Waitzfelder BA, Arterburn D, Nichols GA, Ferrara A, Koebnick C, Yamamoto A, Daley MF, Sherwood NE, Horberg MA, Cromwell L, Lewis KH. The Patient Outcomes Research To Advance Learning (PORTAL) Network Adult Overweight and Obesity Cohort: Development and Description. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016 Jun 15; 5(2):e87. PMID: 27307352.
      Citations: 7     
    173. Buchacz K, Lau B, Jing Y, Bosch R, Abraham AG, Gill MJ, Silverberg MJ, Goedert JJ, Sterling TR, Althoff KN, Martin JN, Burkholder G, Gandhi N, Samji H, Patel P, Rachlis A, Thorne JE, Napravnik S, Henry K, Mayor A, Gebo K, Gange SJ, Moore RD, Brooks JT. Incidence of AIDS-Defining Opportunistic Infections in a Multicohort Analysis of HIV-infected Persons in the United States and Canada, 2000-2010. J Infect Dis. 2016 09 15; 214(6):862-72. PMID: 27559122.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    174. Althoff KN, Rebeiro PF, Hanna DB, Padgett D, Horberg MA, Grinsztejn B, Abraham AG, Hogg R, Gill MJ, Wolff MJ, Mayor A, Rachlis A, Williams C, Sterling TR, Kitahata MM, Buchacz K, Thorne JE, Cesar C, Cordero FM, Rourke SB, Sierra-Madero J, Pape JW, Cahn P, McGowan C. A picture is worth a thousand words: maps of HIV indicators to inform research, programs, and policy from NA-ACCORD and CCASAnet clinical cohorts. J Int AIDS Soc. 2016; 19(1):20707. PMID: 27049052.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    175. Marcus JL, Neugebauer RS, Leyden WA, Chao CR, Xu L, Quesenberry CP, Klein DB, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Use of Abacavir and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among HIV-Infected Individuals. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 Apr 01; 71(4):413-9. PMID: 26536316.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    176. Paolino AR, McGlynn EA, Lieu T, Nelson AF, Prausnitz S, Horberg MA, Arterburn DE, Gould MK, Laws RL, Steiner JF. Building a Governance Strategy for CER: The Patient Outcomes Research to Advance Learning (PORTAL) Network Experience. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2016; 4(2):1216. PMID: 27141524.
      Citations: 4     
    177. Gold R, Esterberg E, Hollombe C, Arkind J, Vakarcs PA, Tran H, Burdick T, Devoe JE, Horberg MA. Low Back Imaging When Not Indicated: A Descriptive Cross-System Analysis. Perm J. 2016; 20(2):25-33. PMID: 26934626.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    178. Rebeiro PF, Gange SJ, Horberg MA, Abraham AG, Napravnik S, Samji H, Yehia BR, Althoff KN, Moore RD, Kitahata MM, Sterling TR, Curriero FC. Geographic Variations in Retention in Care among HIV-Infected Adults in the United States. PLoS One. 2016; 11(1):e0146119. PMID: 26752637.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    179. Rebeiro PF, Althoff KN, Lau B, Gill J, Abraham AG, Horberg MA, Kitahata MM, Yehia BR, Samji H, Brooks JT, Buchacz K, Napravnik S, Silverberg MJ, Rachlis A, Gebo KA, Sterling TR, Moore RD, Gange SJ. Laboratory Measures as Proxies for Primary Care Encounters: Implications for Quantifying Clinical Retention Among HIV-Infected Adults in North America. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Dec 01; 182(11):952-60. PMID: 26578717.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    180. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Klein DB, Towner WJ, Kadlecik P, Antoniskis D, Mogyoros M, Brachman PS, Remmers CL, Gambatese RC, Blank J, Ellis CG, Silverberg MJ. The HIV Care Cascade Measured Over Time and by Age, Sex, and Race in a Large National Integrated Care System. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2015 Nov; 29(11):582-90. PMID: 26505968.
      Citations: 55     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    181. Gold R, Hollombe C, Bunce A, Nelson C, Davis JV, Cowburn S, Perrin N, DeVoe J, Mossman N, Boles B, Horberg M, Dearing JW, Jaworski V, Cohen D, Smith D. Study protocol for "Study of Practices Enabling Implementation and Adaptation in the Safety Net (SPREAD-NET)": a pragmatic trial comparing implementation strategies. Implement Sci. 2015 Oct 16; 10:144. PMID: 26474759.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    182. Silverberg MJ, Lau B, Achenbach CJ, Jing Y, Althoff KN, D'Souza G, Engels EA, Hessol NA, Brooks JT, Burchell AN, Gill MJ, Goedert JJ, Hogg R, Horberg MA, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Korthuis PT, Mathews WC, Mayor A, Modur SP, Napravnik S, Novak RM, Patel P, Rachlis AR, Sterling TR, Willig JH, Justice AC, Moore RD, Dubrow R. Cumulative Incidence of Cancer Among Persons With HIV in North America: A Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Oct 06; 163(7):507-18. PMID: 26436616.
      Citations: 143     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    183. Koethe JR, Jenkins CA, Lau B, Shepherd BE, Justice AC, Tate JP, Buchacz K, Napravnik S, Mayor AM, Horberg MA, Blashill AJ, Willig A, Wester CW, Silverberg MJ, Gill J, Thorne JE, Klein M, Eron JJ, Kitahata MM, Sterling TR, Moore RD. Rising Obesity Prevalence and Weight Gain Among Adults Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in the United States and Canada. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Jan; 32(1):50-8. PMID: 26352511.
      Citations: 125     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    184. Horberg MA. HIV Quality Measures and Outcomes: The Next Phase. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Jan 15; 62(2):240-1. PMID: 26338784.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    185. Saberi P, Catz SL, Leyden WA, Stewart C, Ralston JD, Horberg MA, Grothaus L, Silverberg MJ. Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence and Use of an Electronic Shared Medical Record Among People Living with HIV. AIDS Behav. 2015 Jun; 19 Suppl 2:177-85. PMID: 25572829.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    186. Marcus JL, Leyden WA, Chao CR, Xu L, Quesenberry CP, Tien PC, Klein DB, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ. Differences in Response to Antiretroviral Therapy by Sex and Hepatitis C Infection Status. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2015 Jul; 29(7):370-8. PMID: 26061798.
      Citations: 16     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    187. Yehia BR, Rebeiro P, Althoff KN, Agwu AL, Horberg MA, Samji H, Napravnik S, Mayer K, Tedaldi E, Silverberg MJ, Thorne JE, Burchell AN, Rourke SB, Rachlis A, Mayor A, Gill MJ, Zinski A, Ohl M, Anastos K, Abraham AG, Kitahata MM, Moore RD, Gebo KA. Impact of age on retention in care and viral suppression. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 01; 68(4):413-9. PMID: 25559604.
      Citations: 60     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    188. Maeda JL, Bradley JJ, Eissler SR, Lobrano M, Rubin MR, Gay M, Horberg MA, Loftus BC. Expanding Access to Care and Improving Quality in the Mid-Atlantic States Safety-Net Clinics: Kaiser Permanente's Community Ambassador Program. Perm J. 2015; 19(2):22-7. PMID: 25785638.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    189. Marcus JL, Chao C, Leyden WA, Xu L, Yu J, Horberg MA, Klein D, Towner WJ, Quesenberry CP, Abrams DI, Silverberg MJ. Survival among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected individuals with common non-AIDS-defining cancers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Aug; 24(8):1167-73. PMID: 25713023.
      Citations: 44     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    190. Klein DB, Leyden WA, Xu L, Chao CR, Horberg MA, Towner WJ, Hurley LB, Marcus JL, Quesenberry CP, Silverberg MJ. Declining relative risk for myocardial infarction among HIV-positive compared with HIV-negative individuals with access to care. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Apr 15; 60(8):1278-80. PMID: 25595743.
      Citations: 61     Fields:    Translation:HumansCTClinical Trials
    191. Abraham AG, Althoff KN, Jing Y, Estrella MM, Kitahata MM, Wester CW, Bosch RJ, Crane H, Eron J, Gill MJ, Horberg MA, Justice AC, Klein M, Mayor AM, Moore RD, Palella FJ, Parikh CR, Silverberg MJ, Golub ET, Jacobson LP, Napravnik S, Lucas GM. End-stage renal disease among HIV-infected adults in North America. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 15; 60(6):941-9. PMID: 25409471.
      Citations: 82     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    192. Rebeiro PF, Horberg MA, Gange SJ, Gebo KA, Yehia BR, Brooks JT, Buchacz K, Silverberg MJ, Gill J, Moore RD, Althoff KN. Strong agreement of nationally recommended retention measures from the Institute of Medicine and Department of Health and Human Services. PLoS One. 2014; 9(11):e111772. PMID: 25375099.
      Citations: 19     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    193. Rodriguez CV, Horberg MA. HIV testing, staging, and evaluation. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2014 Sep; 28(3):339-53. PMID: 25151560.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    194. Marcus JL, Leyden WA, Chao CR, Chow FC, Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Klein DB, Quesenberry CP, Towner WJ, Silverberg MJ. HIV infection and incidence of ischemic stroke. AIDS. 2014 Aug 24; 28(13):1911-9. PMID: 24937309.
      Citations: 69     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    195. Marcus JL, Chao CR, Leyden WA, Xu L, Klein DB, Horberg MA, Towner WJ, Quesenberry CP, Abrams DI, Van Den Eeden SK, Silverberg MJ. Prostate cancer incidence and prostate-specific antigen testing among HIV-positive and HIV-negative men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Aug 15; 66(5):495-502. PMID: 24820107.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    196. DeLorenze GN, Tsai AL, Horberg MA, Quesenberry CP. Cost of Care for HIV-Infected Patients with Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder or Psychiatric Disease: Report from a Large, Integrated Health Plan. AIDS Res Treat. 2014; 2014:570546. PMID: 25045533.
      Citations: 7     
    197. Maeda JL, Lee KM, Horberg M. Comparative health systems research among Kaiser Permanente and other integrated delivery systems: a systematic literature review. Perm J. 2014; 18(3):66-77. PMID: 24937150.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    198. Tran TN, Ray GT, Horberg MA, Yawn BP, Castillo AL, Saddier P, Habel LA. Complications of herpes zoster in cancer patients. Scand J Infect Dis. 2014 Jul; 46(7):528-32. PMID: 24796470.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    199. Danoff A, Horberg M, Aberg JA. Reply to Monroe and Brown. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jun; 58(11):1640-1. PMID: 24604899.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    200. Silverberg MJ, Leyden WA, Xu L, Horberg MA, Chao CR, Towner WJ, Hurley LB, Quesenberry CP, Klein DB. Immunodeficiency and risk of myocardial infarction among HIV-positive individuals with access to care. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Feb 01; 65(2):160-6. PMID: 24442222.
      Citations: 88     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    201. Linas BP, Hu H, Barter DM, Horberg M. Hepatitis C screening trends in a large integrated health system. Am J Med. 2014 May; 127(5):398-405. PMID: 24486288.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    202. Althoff KN, Rebeiro P, Brooks JT, Buchacz K, Gebo K, Martin J, Hogg R, Thorne JE, Klein M, Gill MJ, Sterling TR, Yehia B, Silverberg MJ, Crane H, Justice AC, Gange SJ, Moore R, Kitahata MM, Horberg MA. Disparities in the quality of HIV care when using US Department of Health and Human Services indicators. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Apr; 58(8):1185-9. PMID: 24463281.
      Citations: 42     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    203. Aberg JA, Gallant JE, Ghanem KG, Emmanuel P, Zingman BS, Horberg MA. Primary care guidelines for the management of persons infected with HIV: 2013 update by the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jan; 58(1):1-10. PMID: 24343580.
      Citations: 100     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    204. Hanna DB, Buchacz K, Gebo KA, Hessol NA, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Korthuis PT, Moore RD, Napravnik S, Patel P, Silverberg MJ, Sterling TR, Willig JH, Collier A, Samji H, Thorne JE, Althoff KN, Martin JN, Rodriguez B, Stuart EA, Gange SJ. Association between U.S. state AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) features and HIV antiretroviral therapy initiation, 2001-2009. PLoS One. 2013; 8(11):e78952. PMID: 24260137.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    205. Aberg JA, Gallant JE, Ghanem KG, Emmanuel P, Zingman BS, Horberg MA. Primary care guidelines for the management of persons infected with HIV: 2013 update by the HIV medicine association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jan; 58(1):e1-34. PMID: 24235263.
      Citations: 139     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    206. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Silverberg MJ, Klein DB, Quesenberry CP, Mugavero MJ. Missed office visits and risk of mortality among HIV-infected subjects in a large healthcare system in the United States. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2013 Aug; 27(8):442-9. PMID: 23869466.
      Citations: 70     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    207. Mayer K, Gazzard B, Zuniga JM, Amico KR, Anderson J, Azad Y, Cairns G, Dedes N, Duncombe C, Fidler SJ, Granich R, Horberg MA, McCormack S, Montaner JS, Rees H, Schackman B, Sow PS. Controlling the HIV epidemic with antiretrovirals: IAPAC consensus statement on treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2013 May-Jun; 12(3):208-16. PMID: 23666450.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    208. Ralston JD, Silverberg MJ, Grothaus L, Leyden WA, Ross T, Stewart C, Carzasty S, Horberg M, Catz SL. Use of web-based shared medical records among patients with HIV. Am J Manag Care. 2013 Apr 01; 19(4):e114-24. PMID: 23725449.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    209. Miller V, Horberg M. Getting to normal: are we there yet? AIDS. 2013 Mar 27; 27(6):1027-8. PMID: 23698066.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    210. Rebeiro P, Althoff KN, Buchacz K, Gill J, Horberg M, Krentz H, Moore R, Sterling TR, Brooks JT, Gebo KA, Hogg R, Klein M, Martin J, Mugavero M, Rourke S, Silverberg MJ, Thorne J, Gange SJ. Retention among North American HIV-infected persons in clinical care, 2000-2008. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Mar 01; 62(3):356-62. PMID: 23242158.
      Citations: 96     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    211. Delorenze GN, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Tsai A, Quesenberry CP, Baxter R. Trends in annual incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients. Epidemiol Infect. 2013 Nov; 141(11):2392-402. PMID: 23419708.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    212. Justice AC, Modur SP, Tate JP, Althoff KN, Jacobson LP, Gebo KA, Kitahata MM, Horberg MA, Brooks JT, Buchacz K, Rourke SB, Rachlis A, Napravnik S, Eron J, Willig JH, Moore R, Kirk GD, Bosch R, Rodriguez B, Hogg RS, Thorne J, Goedert JJ, Klein M, Gill J, Deeks S, Sterling TR, Anastos K, Gange SJ. Predictive accuracy of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study index for mortality with HIV infection: a North American cross cohort analysis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Feb 01; 62(2):149-63. PMID: 23187941.
      Citations: 127     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    213. Hanna DB, Buchacz K, Gebo KA, Hessol NA, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Korthuis PT, Moore RD, Napravnik S, Patel P, Silverberg MJ, Sterling TR, Willig JH, Lau B, Althoff KN, Crane HM, Collier AC, Samji H, Thorne JE, Gill MJ, Klein MB, Martin JN, Rodriguez B, Rourke SB, Gange SJ. Trends and disparities in antiretroviral therapy initiation and virologic suppression among newly treatment-eligible HIV-infected individuals in North America, 2001-2009. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Apr; 56(8):1174-82. PMID: 23315317.
      Citations: 68     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    214. Horberg M, Raymond B. Financial policy issues for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: cost and access to insurance. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Jan; 44(1 Suppl 2):S125-8. PMID: 23253752.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    215. Chao C, Leyden WA, Xu L, Horberg MA, Klein D, Towner WJ, Quesenberry CP, Abrams DI, Silverberg MJ. Exposure to antiretroviral therapy and risk of cancer in HIV-infected persons. AIDS. 2012 Nov 13; 26(17):2223-31. PMID: 22951631.
      Citations: 27     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    216. Habel LA, Ray GT, Silverberg MJ, Horberg MA, Yawn BP, Castillo AL, Quesenberry CP, Li Y, Sadier P, Tran TN. The epidemiology of herpes zoster in patients with newly diagnosed cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 Jan; 22(1):82-90. PMID: 23118142.
      Citations: 40     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    217. Althoff KN, Buchacz K, Hall HI, Zhang J, Hanna DB, Rebeiro P, Gange SJ, Moore RD, Kitahata MM, Gebo KA, Martin J, Justice AC, Horberg MA, Hogg RS, Sterling TR, Cescon A, Klein MB, Thorne JE, Crane HM, Mugavero MJ, Napravnik S, Kirk GD, Jacobson LP, Brooks JT. U.S. trends in antiretroviral therapy use, HIV RNA plasma viral loads, and CD4 T-lymphocyte cell counts among HIV-infected persons, 2000 to 2008. Ann Intern Med. 2012 Sep 04; 157(5):325-35. PMID: 22944874.
      Citations: 76     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    218. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Towner WJ, Allerton MW, Tang BT, Catz SL, Silverberg MJ, Quesenberry CP. Influence of provider experience on antiretroviral adherence and viral suppression. HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2012; 4:125-33. PMID: 22924015.
      Citations: 4     
    219. Towner WJ, Xu L, Leyden WA, Horberg MA, Chao CR, Tang B, Klein DB, Hurley LB, Quesenberry CP, Silverberg MJ. The effect of HIV infection, immunodeficiency, and antiretroviral therapy on the risk of hepatic dysfunction. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012 Jul 01; 60(3):321-7. PMID: 22343179.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    220. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Towner WJ, Allerton MW, Tang BT, Catz SL, Silverberg MJ, Quesenberry CP. Determination of optimized multidisciplinary care team for maximal antiretroviral therapy adherence. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012 Jun 01; 60(2):183-90. PMID: 22293551.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    221. Chao C, Tang B, Hurley L, Silverberg MJ, Towner W, Preciado M, Horberg M. Risk factors for short-term virologic outcomes among HIV-infected patients undergoing regimen switch of combination antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Dec; 28(12):1630-6. PMID: 22475276.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    222. Chao C, Tang B, Towner W, Silverberg MJ, Hurley L, Horberg M. Short-term clinical outcomes among treatment-experienced HIV-positive patients with early low level viremia. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2012 May; 26(5):253-5. PMID: 22424146.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    223. Silverberg MJ, Chao C, Leyden WA, Xu L, Horberg MA, Klein D, Towner WJ, Dubrow R, Quesenberry CP, Neugebauer RS, Abrams DI. HIV infection, immunodeficiency, viral replication, and the risk of cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Dec; 20(12):2551-9. PMID: 22109347.
      Citations: 122     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    224. Gallant JE, Adimora AA, Carmichael JK, Horberg M, Kitahata M, Quinlivan EB, Raper JL, Selwyn P, Williams SB. Essential components of effective HIV care: a policy paper of the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Dec; 53(11):1043-50. PMID: 22021928.
      Citations: 35     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    225. Schwarz EB, Postlethwaite D, Hung YY, Lantzman E, Armstrong MA, Horberg MA. Provision of contraceptive services to women with diabetes mellitus. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Feb; 27(2):196-201. PMID: 21922154.
      Citations: 16     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    226. Sterling TR, Lau B, Zhang J, Freeman A, Bosch RJ, Brooks JT, Deeks SG, French A, Gange S, Gebo KA, John Gill M, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Klein MB, Martin JN, Rodriguez B, Silverberg MJ, Willig JH, Eron JJ, Goedert JJ, Hogg RS, Justice AC, McKaig RG, Napravnik S, Thorne J, Moore RD. Risk factors for tuberculosis after highly active antiretroviral therapy initiation in the United States and Canada: implications for tuberculosis screening. J Infect Dis. 2011 Sep 15; 204(6):893-901. PMID: 21849286.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    227. Chao C, Xu L, Abrams DI, Towner WJ, Horberg MA, Leyden WA, Silverberg MJ. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) use and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in HIV-positive persons. AIDS. 2011 Sep 10; 25(14):1771-7. PMID: 21681055.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    228. Abraham AG, Lau B, Deeks S, Moore RD, Zhang J, Eron J, Harrigan R, Gill MJ, Kitahata M, Klein M, Napravnik S, Rachlis A, Rodriguez B, Rourke S, Benson C, Bosch R, Collier A, Gebo K, Goedert J, Hogg R, Horberg M, Jacobson L, Justice A, Kirk G, Martin J, McKaig R, Silverberg M, Sterling T, Thorne J, Willig J, Gange SJ. Missing data on the estimation of the prevalence of accumulated human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance in patients treated with antiretroviral drugs in north america. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Sep 15; 174(6):727-35. PMID: 21813792.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    229. Shindel AW, Horberg MA, Smith JF, Breyer BN. Sexual dysfunction, HIV, and AIDS in men who have sex with men. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2011 Jun; 25(6):341-9. PMID: 21501095.
      Citations: 16     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    230. Breyer BN, Van den Eeden SK, Horberg MA, Eisenberg ML, Deng DY, Smith JF, Shindel AW. HIV status is an independent risk factor for reporting lower urinary tract symptoms. J Urol. 2011 May; 185(5):1710-5. PMID: 21420120.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    231. Horberg M, Hurley L, Towner W, Gambatese R, Klein D, Antoniskis D, Weinberg W, Kadlecik P, Remmers C, Dobrinich R, Quesenberry C, Silverberg M, Johnson M. HIV quality performance measures in a large integrated health care system. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2011 Jan; 25(1):21-8. PMID: 21214376.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    232. Potter MB, Somkin CP, Ackerson LM, Gomez V, Dao T, Horberg MA, Walsh J ME. The FLU-FIT program: an effective colorectal cancer screening program for high volume flu shot clinics. Am J Manag Care. 2011; 17(8):577-83. PMID: 21851145.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    233. Althoff KN, Gebo KA, Gange SJ, Klein MB, Brooks JT, Hogg RS, Bosch RJ, Horberg MA, Saag MS, Kitahata MM, Eron JJ, Napravnik S, Rourke SB, Gill MJ, Rodriguez B, Sterling TR, Deeks SG, Martin JN, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Collier AC, Benson CA, Silverberg MJ, Goedert JJ, McKaig RG, Thorne J, Rachlis A, Moore RD, Justice AC. CD4 count at presentation for HIV care in the United States and Canada: are those over 50 years more likely to have a delayed presentation? AIDS Res Ther. 2010 Dec 15; 7:45. PMID: 21159161.
      Citations: 39     Fields:    
    234. Horberg MA, Aberg JA, Cheever LW, Renner P, O'Brien Kaleba E, Asch SM. Development of national and multiagency HIV care quality measures. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Sep 15; 51(6):732-8. PMID: 20715924.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    235. Chao C, Xu L, Abrams D, Leyden W, Horberg M, Towner W, Klein D, Tang B, Silverberg M. Survival of non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients with and without HIV infection in the era of combined antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2010 Jul 17; 24(11):1765-70. PMID: 20453630.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    236. Horberg MA, Klein DB. An update on the use of Atripla in the treatment of HIV in the United States. HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2010; 2:135-40. PMID: 22096391.
      Citations: 8     
    237. Althoff KN, Gange SJ, Klein MB, Brooks JT, Hogg RS, Bosch RJ, Horberg MA, Saag MS, Kitahata MM, Justice AC, Gebo KA, Eron JJ, Rourke SB, Gill MJ, Rodriguez B, Sterling TR, Calzavara LM, Deeks SG, Martin JN, Rachlis AR, Napravnik S, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Collier AC, Benson CA, Silverberg MJ, Kushel M, Goedert JJ, McKaig RG, Van Rompaey SE, Zhang J, Moore RD. Late presentation for human immunodeficiency virus care in the United States and Canada. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Jun 01; 50(11):1512-20. PMID: 20415573.
      Citations: 112     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    238. Mosen DM, Horberg M, Roblin D, Gullion CM, Meenan R, Leyden W, Hu W. Effect of once-daily FDC treatment era on initiation of cART. HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2010; 2:19-26. PMID: 22096381.
      Citations: 2     
    239. Horberg M, Tang B, Towner W, Silverberg M, Bersoff-Matcha S, Hurley L, Chang J, Blank J, Quesenberry C, Klein D. Impact of tenofovir on renal function in HIV-infected, antiretroviral-naive patients. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Jan; 53(1):62-9. PMID: 19838127.
      Citations: 61     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    240. Horberg MA, Ranatunga DK, Quesenberry CP, Klein DB, Silverberg MJ. Syphilis epidemiology and clinical outcomes in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients in Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Jan; 37(1):53-8. PMID: 19734820.
      Citations: 15     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    241. Deeks SG, Gange SJ, Kitahata MM, Saag MS, Justice AC, Hogg RS, Eron JJ, Brooks JT, Rourke SB, Gill MJ, Bosch RJ, Benson CA, Collier AC, Martin JN, Klein MB, Jacobson LP, Rodriguez B, Sterling TR, Kirk GD, Napravnik S, Rachlis AR, Calzavara LM, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Gebo KA, Kushel MB, Goedert JJ, McKaig RG, Moore RD. Trends in multidrug treatment failure and subsequent mortality among antiretroviral therapy-experienced patients with HIV infection in North America. Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Nov 15; 49(10):1582-90. PMID: 19845473.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    242. Silverberg MJ, Chao C, Leyden WA, Xu L, Tang B, Horberg MA, Klein D, Quesenberry CP, Towner WJ, Abrams DI. HIV infection and the risk of cancers with and without a known infectious cause. AIDS. 2009 Nov 13; 23(17):2337-45. PMID: 19741479.
      Citations: 148     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    243. Klein DB, Hurley LB, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Follansbee SE, Flamm JA, Green GM. Increased rates of appendicitis in HIV-infected men: 1991-2005. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Sep 01; 52(1):139-40. PMID: 19704266.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    244. Rhee SY, Fessel WJ, Liu TF, Marlowe NM, Rowland CM, Rode RA, Vandamme AM, Van Laethem K, Brun-Vezinet F, Calvez V, Taylor J, Hurley L, Horberg M, Shafer RW. Predictive value of HIV-1 genotypic resistance test interpretation algorithms. J Infect Dis. 2009 Aug 01; 200(3):453-63. PMID: 19552527.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    245. Towner W, Klein D, Kerrigan HL, Follansbee S, Yu K, Horberg M. Virologic outcomes of changing enfuvirtide to raltegravir in HIV-1 patients well controlled on an enfuvirtide based regimen: 24-week results of the CHEER study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Aug 01; 51(4):367-73. PMID: 19487951.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
    246. Silverberg MJ, Leyden W, Quesenberry CP, Horberg MA. Race/ethnicity and risk of AIDS and death among HIV-infected patients with access to care. J Gen Intern Med. 2009 Sep; 24(9):1065-72. PMID: 19609624.
      Citations: 55     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    247. Kitahata MM, Gange SJ, Abraham AG, Merriman B, Saag MS, Justice AC, Hogg RS, Deeks SG, Eron JJ, Brooks JT, Rourke SB, Gill MJ, Bosch RJ, Martin JN, Klein MB, Jacobson LP, Rodriguez B, Sterling TR, Kirk GD, Napravnik S, Rachlis AR, Calzavara LM, Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Gebo KA, Goedert JJ, Benson CA, Collier AC, Van Rompaey SE, Crane HM, McKaig RG, Lau B, Freeman AM, Moore RD. Effect of early versus deferred antiretroviral therapy for HIV on survival. N Engl J Med. 2009 Apr 30; 360(18):1815-26. PMID: 19339714.
      Citations: 507     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    248. Silverberg MJ, Leyden W, Hurley L, Go AS, Quesenberry CP, Klein D, Horberg MA. Response to newly prescribed lipid-lowering therapy in patients with and without HIV infection. Ann Intern Med. 2009 Mar 03; 150(5):301-13. PMID: 19258558.
      Citations: 50     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    249. Horberg M, Klein D, Hurley L, Silverberg M, Towner W, Antoniskis D, Kovach D, Mogyoros M, Blake W, Dobrinich R, Dodge W. Efficacy and safety of ritonavir-boosted and unboosted atazanavir among antiretroviral-naïve patients. HIV Clin Trials. 2008 Nov-Dec; 9(6):367-74. PMID: 19203902.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
    250. Horberg M, Silverberg M, Hurley L, Delorenze G, Quesenberry C. Influence of prior antiretroviral experience on adherence and responses to new highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2008 Apr; 22(4):301-12. PMID: 18338961.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    251. Horberg MA, Silverberg MJ, Hurley LB, Towner WJ, Klein DB, Bersoff-Matcha S, Weinberg WG, Antoniskis D, Mogyoros M, Dodge WT, Dobrinich R, Quesenberry CP, Kovach DA. Effects of depression and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use on adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy and on clinical outcomes in HIV-infected patients. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Mar 01; 47(3):384-90. PMID: 18091609.
      Citations: 128     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    252. Cheever LW, Lubinski C, Horberg M, Steinberg JL. Ensuring access to treatment for HIV infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Dec 15; 45 Suppl 4:S266-74. PMID: 18190298.
      Citations: 11     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    253. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Silverberg MJ, Kinsman CJ, Quesenberry CP. Effect of clinical pharmacists on utilization of and clinical response to antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2007 Apr 15; 44(5):531-9. PMID: 17224844.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    254. Silverberg MJ, Leyden W, Horberg MA, DeLorenze GN, Klein D, Quesenberry CP. Older age and the response to and tolerability of antiretroviral therapy. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Apr 09; 167(7):684-91. PMID: 17420427.
      Citations: 74     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    255. Gange SJ, Kitahata MM, Saag MS, Bangsberg DR, Bosch RJ, Brooks JT, Calzavara L, Deeks SG, Eron JJ, Gebo KA, Gill MJ, Haas DW, Hogg RS, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Justice AC, Kirk GD, Klein MB, Martin JN, McKaig RG, Rodriguez B, Rourke SB, Sterling TR, Freeman AM, Moore RD. Cohort profile: the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Int J Epidemiol. 2007 Apr; 36(2):294-301. PMID: 17213214.
      Citations: 136     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    256. Horberg MA, Hurley LB, Klein DB, Follansbee SE, Quesenberry C, Flamm JA, Green GM, Luu T. Surgical outcomes in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Arch Surg. 2006 Dec; 141(12):1238-45. PMID: 17178967.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    257. Mitsuya Y, Winters MA, Fessel WJ, Rhee SY, Hurley L, Horberg M, Schiffer CA, Zolopa AR, Shafer RW. N88D facilitates the co-occurrence of D30N and L90M and the development of multidrug resistance in HIV type 1 protease following nelfinavir treatment failure. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2006 Dec; 22(12):1300-5. PMID: 17209774.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    258. Mitsuya Y, Winters MA, Fessel WJ, Rhee SY, Slome S, Flamm J, Horberg M, Hurley L, Klein D, Shafer RW. HIV-1 drug resistance genotype results in patients with plasma samples with HIV-1 RNA levels less than 75 copies/mL. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006 Sep; 43(1):56-9. PMID: 16885777.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    259. Horberg M, Antoniskis D, Bersoff-Matcha S, Hurley L, Klein D, Kovach D, Mogyoros M, Towner W, Weinberg W. Perceptions of human immunodeficiency virus testing services among HIV-positive persons not in medical care. Sex Transm Dis. 2006 Jul; 33(7):464; author reply 465. PMID: 16688101.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    260. DeLorenze GN, Follansbee SF, Nguyen DP, Klein DB, Horberg M, Quesenberry CP, Blick NT, Tsai AL. Medication error in the care of HIV/AIDS patients: electronic surveillance, confirmation, and adverse events. Med Care. 2005 Sep; 43(9 Suppl):III63-8. PMID: 16116310.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    261. Rhee SY, Fessel WJ, Zolopa AR, Hurley L, Liu T, Taylor J, Nguyen DP, Slome S, Klein D, Horberg M, Flamm J, Follansbee S, Schapiro JM, Shafer RW. HIV-1 Protease and reverse-transcriptase mutations: correlations with antiretroviral therapy in subtype B isolates and implications for drug-resistance surveillance. J Infect Dis. 2005 Aug 01; 192(3):456-65. PMID: 15995959.
      Citations: 44     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    262. Horberg M, Schatz B. Battling HIV on many fronts. N Engl J Med. 1998 Jan 15; 338(3):198. PMID: 9441228.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
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