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Premature mortality associated with severe mental illness or substance use disorder in an integrated health care system.
Racial, ethnic, and age disparities in the association of mental health symptoms and polysubstance use among persons in HIV care.
Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) and improved patient-centered outcomes for chronic conditions.
Physical, Mental Health and Developmental Conditions, and Sociodemographic Characteristics Associated With Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Young Children in Pediatric Primary Care.
Influence of a New Diabetes Diagnosis on the Health Behaviors of the Patient's Partner.
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Influence of a New Diabetes Diagnosis on the Health Behaviors of the Patient's Partner.
Influence of a New Diabetes Diagnosis on the Health Behaviors of the Patient's Partner. Ann Fam Med. 2018 Jul; 16(4):290-295.
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authors with profiles
Julie Schmittdiel, PhD
Esti Iturralde, PhD