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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Li, De-Kun
overview De-Kun Li, MD, PhD, MPH, is a Senior Research Scientist at the Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Dr. Li completed his medical training and master’s degree in Public Health at Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China. He then received his PhD in epidemiology from the University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Li is a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist with extensive experience conducting epidemiologic studies examining in-utero exposures in relation to pregnancy outcomes and early childhood diseases, including childhood obesity and asthma, preterm delivery, low birthweight, birth defects, miscarriage and SIDS. He has more than 88 peer-reviewed publications, of which he first-authored 41 and was the senior author for another 18. He has been invited to many NIH and CDC study sections to review grant applications. Recognized for his long-standing experience in international collaborative research, Dr. Li was invited by the US National Academy of Science to evaluate Sino-US collaboration in bio-medical research. He has been invited by academic institutions and governmental agencies to present his research findings, including those related to exposures to EDC pollutants, genetic contribution, and medication use during pregnancy in relation to pregnancy outcomes and childhood diseases. He is also a current member of an advisory committee for the Dartmouth Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center. He has received more than 10 research grants from federal agencies including NIH, CDC, FDA, and AHRQ. He is currently serving as the Associate Editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology. Dr. Li’s current research focuses on developmental origins of pregnancy outcomes and childhood diseases which include examination of (1) in-utero environmental exposures including endocrine disruptors (e.g., BPA) and electromagnetic fields (EMF), (2) safety and effectiveness of medication use during pregnancy, and (3) gene-environment interactions. Throughout his professional life, he has made important contributions to the understanding of (a) factors associated with reduction in SIDS risk, (b) health effects due to exposure to EMF, (c) adverse effects of in-utero exposure to caffeine, (d) impact of exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors, (e) risk and benefit of treating maternal depression during pregnancy, (f) parental genetic contribution to the risk of preterm delivery, and (g) benefits of treating herpes infection during pregnancy. Dr. Li has worked closely with the medical communities, especially OBGYN physicians, of Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Li, De-Kun
Item TypeName
Concept Health Plan Implementation
Concept Health Maintenance Organizations
Concept Health Promotion
Concept Health Services Research
Concept Delivery of Health Care
Concept Iatrogenic Disease
Concept Immune System Diseases
Concept Disease Susceptibility
Concept Occupational Diseases
Concept Insurance, Health
Concept Infant, Premature, Diseases
Concept Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Concept Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
Concept Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Concept Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical
Concept Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Concept Delivery of Health Care, Integrated
Concept Health Care Surveys
Concept State Health Plans
Concept Process Assessment (Health Care)
Concept Electronic Health Records
Concept International Classification of Diseases
Academic Article Prevalence and trends in the use of antipsychotic medications during pregnancy in the U.S., 2001-2007: a population-based study of 585,615 deliveries.
Academic Article The prevalence and trends of antiviral medication use during pregnancy in the US: a population-based study of 664,297 deliveries in 2001-2007.
Academic Article Methods of linking mothers and infants using health plan data for studies of pregnancy outcomes.
Academic Article Severity of influenza and noninfluenza acute respiratory illness among pregnant women, 2010-2012.
Academic Article The Pregnancy and Influenza Project: design of an observational case-cohort study to evaluate influenza burden and vaccine effectiveness among pregnant women and their infants.
Academic Article Validity of health plan and birth certificate data for pregnancy research.
Academic Article Hot tub use during pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage.
Academic Article Maternal history of subfertility and the risk of congenital urinary tract anomalies in offspring.
Academic Article Neonatal sepsis workups in infants >/=2000 grams at birth: A population-based study.
Academic Article Infant sleeping position and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in California, 1997-2000.
Academic Article Pregnancy outcomes in women with inflammatory bowel disease: a large community-based study from Northern California.
Academic Article Factors influencing women's acceptance of prenatal screening tests.
Academic Article The association between sepsis and potential medical injury among hospitalized patients.
Academic Article Prenatal and perinatal characteristics associated with pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease.
Academic Article Occupational exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported male sexual dysfunction.
Academic Article Topiramate use in pregnancy and the birth prevalence of oral clefts.
Academic Article Medication exposure in pregnancy risk evaluation program: the prevalence of asthma medication use during pregnancy.
Academic Article An electronic Simplified Acute Physiology Score-based risk adjustment score for critical illness in an integrated healthcare system.
Academic Article Decreasing sepsis mortality at Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Academic Article Data that drive: Closing the loop in the learning hospital system.
Academic Article Occupational exposure levels of bisphenol A among Chinese workers.
Academic Article Does lack of multinutrient supplementation during early pregnancy increase vulnerability to alcohol-related preterm or small-for-gestational-age births?
Academic Article Infections Requiring Hospitalization as Predictors of Pediatric-Onset Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Academic Article Associations between Bisphenol A Exposure and Reproductive Hormones among Female Workers.
Academic Article Automated identification of pneumonia in chest radiograph reports in critically ill patients.
Academic Article Brief report: Risk of adverse fetal outcomes associated with immunosuppressive medications for chronic immune-mediated diseases in pregnancy.
Academic Article The impact of high apparent temperature on spontaneous preterm delivery: a case-crossover study.
Award or Honor Receipt Member of Board of Scientific Counselor for NICHD Division of Intramural Population Health Research
Award or Honor Receipt Invited speaker at NIEHS/EPA Children's Centers Annual Meeting
Grant Effectiveness of Treating Prenatal Depression to Reduce Postpartum Depression
Grant Prenatal NSAID Use and Miscarriage
Grant Prenatal MF Exposure &Miscarriage Risk Among Women
Grant Exposure to Bisphenol A &Reproductive Effect in Humans
Academic Article The Kaiser Permanente Northern California Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program: Design, Development, and Implementation.
Academic Article Inpatient electronic health record maintenance from 2010 to 2015.
Academic Article Preventing Perinatal Depression to Improve Maternal and Child Health-a Health Care Imperative.
Academic Article Prevalence of prescription opioid use during pregnancy in eight US health plans during 2001-2014.
Academic Article Development of a healthcare system COVID Hotspotting Score in California: an observational study with prospective validation.
Academic Article Evaluation of Incident 7-Day Infection and Sepsis Hospitalizations in an Integrated Health System.

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